Calling all snowshoers! Volunteer guides needed…

Breaking trail with snowshoes in Killbear Provincial Park. Photo cred: Heather Steel

HPSC’s snowshoeing program has grown in the last few years. There are many reasons to choose snowshoeing – it’s a less intense physical activity than skiing, but still a good workout; you really get in the forest and up close and personal with nature; and it’s a fun social activity. Best of all it gets you outside and moving in the winter! We have many members who both snowshoe and ski.

While you can certainly snowshoe on your own, it’s definitely more fun in a group. And beginners who are unfamiliar with the trails definitely feel more comfortable being led by someone more experienced. If you’ve been snowshoeing with the club for a few years now, please consider becoming a snowshoe leader!

The snowshoe crew at Georgian Nordic. Photo cred: Heather Steel

No special training beyond experience snowshoeing with the club is needed (and perhaps the ability to read the resort maps!). If you are going to snowshoe anyway, why not lead a group? The more leaders that we have, the more, and varied, experiences we can offer to club members – we can have groups that go at different paces and do routes of varying difficulty. This is not a big commitment – you can do as many or as few as you want.

We are happy to have new volunteers work with an experienced guide the first time.

Snowshoe leaders are recognized with complimentary bus and trail fees for the trip on which they are guiding.

The club runs on volunteers and more hands mean lighter work for everyone! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact and we’ll connect you with our head guide and snowshoe coordinator.

Lots of snow for this group at Scenic Caves. Photo cred: Ivy Cheng

Two Bus Test Drive on December 7th Means Additional Pick Up Locations at Queen’s Quay and Liberty Village

We have two buses for this the first daytrip of the season, which means that we have added the two additional pickup points of Queen’s Quay, and the new spot in Liberty Village. 

As a reminder, even if you didn’t sign up for these pick-up spots, you can use any of the locations that best suits your needs! To find out exactly where all of our pick-up locations click here:

Registration deadline is December 4th by 6pm!

What to expect on a XC day trip

HPSC’s fun snowshoe crew at Killbear Provincial Park! Photo cred: Heather Steel

Joining a club trip can be intimidating when you’re new. We’re here to help! If you’re preparing to come out on your first day trip with us, here is how you can expect your day to unfold. Note that times are approximate as they depend on how far the resort is from Toronto. But it gives you the general idea.


  • Get to your bus stop. You can find out locations here. Pick up times are communicated on the status page (log in to see it) and the email that is sent to all participants on Friday. Arrive 10 minutes early as the pick up times are departure times. Don’t be shy; introduce yourself to the others waiting.
  • When the bus arrives, stow your skis below the bus and get on with your bag(s) and ski boots.
  • Choose a seat. You will sit in the same seat on the way back.


  • Once all skiers are on the bus and we are on the highway, the bus captain will make announcements about the day.
  • The bus captain will then come around and check off your name and ensure that you are registered correctly for the activities you want to do. If not, you may owe money (to be paid online after the trip) or you may be owed a refund.
  • The ski school director of the day will come around and confirm lessons. If you didn’t sign up in advance, we will try to fit you in, but we can’t make any guarantees as lessons are popular.
  • As we approach the resort, the bus captain will make more announcements, confirming the facilities that are available, departure times etc..


  • Upon arrival, the renters get off with a designated instructor and go get their equipment. The bus captain goes inside to get the trail passes. Everyone else remains on the bus. There are  a couple exceptions to this; listen to the bus captains’ instructions.
  • The bus captain returns, and everyone gets off the bus, collects their trail pass from the bus captain and equipment from under the bus, and heads to the chalet.
  • Find a place inside to put your bags and get ready. Ask other members if you aren’t sure where you can store bags. Sometimes we have our own room, other times we are with the general public. Cross-country resorts are generally very safe; while you should carry valuables with you (i.e., wallet, phone), theft is rare. There are a couple resorts where we need to store our bags on the bus (but generally you can take your stuff inside, get ready, and then bring it back out).
  • Students and snowshoers meet their instructors/guide in front of the chalet approx. 30 mins after arrival. Not taking lessons? Go ski!


One of our instructors talking step turns with her intermediate group. Photo cred: Heather Steel.
  • Lessons, followed by lunch. Most resorts have indoor space to eat; if not, the bus will be available for lunch.


  • Free ski time!
  • The bus leaves promptly at 430pm. Be sure you are back to the chalet in enough time to get ready and be on the bus by 425pm.
  • Put your equipment in the marked return bin (based on where you are getting off the bus), sit in the same seat you were in on the way up, and enjoy the ride home! The bus captain will make announcements about the upcoming weekend.
You can enjoy a hot chocolate stop on the trails with your new friends! Photo cred: Heather Steel

If you are new and have additional questions, see our FAQ.

XC “racing” is back!

Join this fun group for more racing fun this season! Photo cred: Michael Connor.

Get ready for yet another year of fun cross-country ski races! Our race program may have been competitive in the past, but now it’s all about fun. Test your skills with a group of your closest ski friends and maybe win a prize in the process. Bonus: prizes are by draw, not by finishing time! We encourage wide participation, but you should be able to move around the trail for at least a few kms (even if it’s not particularly fast!).

Look out for these events throughout the season…

Practice your frisbee throwing now! Photo cred: Heather Steel

Race #1: Fourth Annual Frisbee Biathlon! Probably our most popular race of the season, we kick off the race program with our frisbee biathlon at Highlands Nordic on Jan. 4. The race director creates team of two. One person skis a very short sprint track, then you play frisbee! If you drop the frisbee, you have to do a penalty lap before your partner can ski. Fast skiing doesn’t matter…it’s all in the frisbee throwing.

Race #2: Return to Hardwood (Freestyle). On Jan. 12, we will have our first race at Hardwood since the devastating fire they had a couple years ago. Let’s celebrate our return with a freestyle race. Choose classic or skate and test yourself on a relatively short course (4kmish).

Race #3: Fourth Annual Pine Trail Classic at Wasaga. Your race director’s favourite race, this 3kmish classic race starts and ends at the fire shelter and takes you along the rolling hills of the beautiful Pine trail. Classic skiing only. Will this be the year no one gets lost? Probably not. January 18.

Race #4: Crossover Day Scavenger Hunt Race! On Jan. 25, join us for a fun team-based scavenger hunt race on the upper trails (the section with the lookout etc.). Solve clues along the way to find your way to the finish. Smarts and map skills probably outweigh fast skiing!

The inspiration for our new spring fling costume race. Bring it! Photo cred: Heather Steel

Race #5: First Annual Beginner/Advanced Spring Fling Costume Race. We close out the season on Mar. 8 at Horseshoe where we will do our annual beginner/advanced day (choose your own adventure – one course is shorter and flatter, the other longer and hillier) but with an added costume element! Celebrate spring in style and get bonus points if you ski in costume. Extra bonus points for the best costume!

There are often random bonus points given for ridiculous reasons and if you participate in one of these events, you will get an invite to our fun end of year party!

Off they go! Photo cred: Michael Connor

Register now for our early December XC trips!

Beautiful conditions in mid-November at Scenic Caves! Photo cred: Heather Steel

A couple of your HPSC instructors were treated to a wonderful day of skiing Nov. 16 at Scenic Caves…earliest start date ever, and it was like mid-January conditions! We hope this bodes well for a very snowy winter.

If you want to ski before Christmas, we’ve got four chances for you to get out on the trails!

We’re running our early December trips with our downhill friends. We’ve got trips on Dec. 14/15 and Dec. 21/22. Dec. 14/15 will be run on the XC pick up schedule, and Dec. 21/22 will be run on the downhill schedule (so earlier than normal but worth it to ski!). 

We have XC modules up for informational purposes, but you will register for the trips on the downhill modules. Read the XC module information so you know how to register properly. Once you get over to the downhill module, check “none” under lift ticket and “XC ski $30” under bus options.


Special Family Day Weekend Day Trip To Holiday Valley Now Open for Registration

Holiday Valley resort, just outside of Buffalo, has been a very popular destination for the High Park Ski Club for a long time.  The weekend trip sells our very quickly each season.  This year you too can experience the magic of Holiday Valley for yourself . . . if just for a day

On the Family Day weekend, we will be running just this one day trip – Saturday February 15.   Much like the weekend trips, we expect the day trip will sell out quickly so please register as soon as possible.  The day also includes a pizza après at the resort. 

Since we are heading west instead of north, the last pickup location for this special daytrip will be in Oakville at the commuter lot at Winston Churchill and the QEW, in place of 400/7. All of the other regular pickup locations will be used.  

This is a Member Only event.  No “Bring a Friend” nor drive-ups allowed. 

Registration is now open.  To find the trip, go to the Downhill daytrips registration page and go to the calendar at the bottom.  Forward the calendar to February and the trip will be there on February 15.

Member Appreciation / Double Double Day Trip Now Open for Registration

One of the highlights of the HPSC season is the annual Member Appreciation Day trip to Mount St. Louis Moonstone on Saturday January 11th.  This is also our annual Double Double trip with lessons in both the morning and afternoon.  This is a fantastic way to get motivated for the rest of the ski season. 

At the end of the day we will be staying a little later than normal allowing for more Après time to mix and mingle.  This is a fantastic way for new members to get to know their fellow HPSC members.  In addition, there will be free pizza during the après.  The bus will depart at 6:15pm. 

This is a Members ONLY event. 

Long Trips – November

Second Holiday Valley

For the exceptionally long wait list for Holiday Valley-1, a new trip W9 Holiday Valley-2 , Jan 31-Feb 2, 2020 was added to the schedule. Members who were able to adjust their holiday plan to go the weekend after Holiday Valley-1 were added to Holiday Valley-2. Now this trip is beginning to fill up. For both Holiday Valley trips, you will leave the city after work on Friday and return early Sunday night. On Saturday night after a great day of skiing you will enjoy the pretty town of Ellicottville, NY.

Banff in March

Those looking for a second Banff trip will be disappointed. While the Long Trips Committee spent a good deal of effort setting up a 2nd Banff trip, the response was underwhelming. Thus we decided to cancel very early to give members a chance to arrange for something else such as may have been offered at the Toronto Ski Show. Our trips are based on a minimum number of participants and priced accordingly. The underfunding on a 2nd Banff trip would have been substantial if had failed to meet the minimum so cancelling was deemed the best alternative. We apologize to those who may have been interested.

Open Trips

Always check the homepage for the “On Sale” label which indicates that a seat is open. Sometimes the seat has to be filled by a specific gender in order to match roommates. If you are not that gender, email the trip leader anyway to get added to the waitlist. Cancellations happen from time to time and members on the waitlist are the first to get called. Also periodically check the webpage for the trip you are interested in – there may have been a cancellation. A note will be added when a seat is available.

As of this date:

C6 Silver Star BC – 1 seat

C7 Les Arcs France – 2 seats

W4 Mt Ste Anne on Family Day weekend – 12 seats

W7 Lake Placid – 24 seats

W9 Holiday Valley-2 – 24 seats

Ski Pole Flags

On every long trip, you will be given a flag for your ski pole. This flag is very bright and identifies you as a HPSC member. The idea behind it is to help you meet and ski with other HPSC members. If you have ever been at a big resort and lost your ski buddy on the mountain, you’ll immediately recognize the benefit of both of you having a ski pole flag. On an overnight trip if your class has skied off in the distance, you’ll be able to find them again. These flags are visible from a mile away. And they’ll help you locate your skis in the racks outside the lunch chalet.

HPSC Pole Flag

Bill Bates, Director