Dear HPSC Friends:
I can’t believe that we are already one-third through our season! Attendance has been great for downhill day trips with almost every Saturday being a two bus trip. As well, we have had strong turnouts for our Sunday@Blue Crew trips. In fact, we had the largest turnout for a Sunday Blue trip in years on January 21 with an almost full bus.
Our long trips and charters are now in full swing with multiple trips being away each week. On some weekends we have up to three trips away at the same time. The first week with just one trip out is not till mid-February and the first week without any overnight or charter trips is the last week of February. The photos posted from our travels to Japan, France and BC look amazing!
While alpine members have experienced a good start to the season (despite the up and down weather), our cross-country members have not been so lucky. However, when they have been able to get out all seem to have had a great experience. I have to congratulate our Director of Cross-Country and Snowshoeing, Heather Steel, for once again handling the difficult task of making the decisions if conditions at the resorts are good enough or safe enough to run a trip.
On the membership front, this season has also been very successful so far with the club just passing the 1,100 member level, with almost 400 new members, which is a modern record. Remember that you will receive a bus voucher when someone you referred to the club joins, so please continue to tell your family, friends, colleagues about the club!
On personal note, it has been fantastic to be back on the day trip buses. After two seasons where I could not ski it is great being able to rejoin our members on the buses and to actually ski (although I have to admit I am staying on the green runs for now – but each week my leg is getting stronger). It has been fun meeting new members and catching up with old friends.
Speaking of the buses, I just want to remind members about some HPSC bus etiquette:
(1) Boots are not to be placed in the storage bins above the seats. We would not want someone to get hit in the head when a bin is opened and your boot falls out.
(2) Please remove backpacks when walking through the bus – please carry in front of you. Again, this is to avoid hitting someone with your boots or bag.
(3) In general, your seat going to the resort is the same seat on the return trip. Please leave the front seat across from the driver vacant as this seat is reserved for the bus captain.
(4) Please be in your seat at least 5 minutes prior to departure time. This allows the bus captain to do a final count to make sure we are not missing anyone and for the bus to leave on time.
(5) The only people who should be talking to the driver when they are driving are the bus captain or a member of the club Executive. If you think the driver has made a mistake, please talk to the bus captain.
(6) And finally, please remember that everyone is a volunteer and a fellow member. They have volunteered their time to ensure that you have a great day.
Looking forward to seeing many of you on upcoming trips and at social events.
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club