President’s Message – Gearing up for the season!

Dear HPSC Friends,

While others complain when we return to Standard Time, I look forward to it. I actually get a bit excited because it means that our season is another step closer! In fact, some of our trip destinations have already opened for the season. 

I want to thank all of the volunteers who helped to staff our booth at the Toronto Ski + Snowboard Show – it was a great success. We were able to talk with a wide variety of current and potential members, and with suppliers (and other clubs.)  

At the show we were handing out this year’s day trip schedule postcard – which will be uploaded to the website shortly.  Just some of the highlights on the downhill side: the first planned trips, conditions permitting of course, are Saturday, December 9 to Mount St Louis, and Sunday, December 10 to Blue Mountain.  The first Monday trip is January 8.  For midweek skiers, the first Wednesday trip is January 10 to Blue, followed by Alpine the following week. In late February, in place of Wednesday, we will be doing a couple of Thursday trips to Georgian Peaks and Beaver Valley (because these resorts will not be regularly be open on Wednesdays). On the cross-country side, the first scheduled trip is the traditional New Year’s celebration to Scenic Caves on Saturday, December 30.  

If you have not been out to SkiFit yet this year, there are just two more Saturdays left. I want to personally thank Karen Evans and John McHutchion for their ongoing leadership in helping members get ready of the season.  Karen is now out west at Silver Star, leaving John to lead the next two weeks on his own. One thing that I have been very happy about is the return of our post-exercise brunch in The Grenadier Café. It has been great to catch up with members and share stories and photos of recent travels and discussions regarding the upcoming season.

Due to the high response rate to the upcoming Information night on November 17, we have moved it to a location where we can accommodate more people.  The new location is the Duke of York (39 Prince Arthur Street, just off of Bedford Rd. just north of the St. George Subway station). Just as a reminder, for those attending the event we will have some of our fantastic logo wear long sleeve shirts to try on and of course purchase!  Hope to see many of you at the event.

On a personal note, as many of you know I am a huge fan of the most successful Toronto pro sports team – the Toronto Argonauts. The Argos have won more championships than all of the other Toronto teams combined! This weekend is the Eastern Final versus Montreal, and hopefully they will be playing in the Grey Cup game in Hamilton on November 19.  So I conclude this week’s message with the time honoured cheer – AAARRRGGOOOSSSS!

Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

President’s Message – Aloha!

As I write this, I have just returned to my room from a sunset cruise off of Kaanapali Beach, Maui. But even as I finish up my bucket list trip to Hawaii, I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks for our club. This coming Thursday is our overnight bus trip sign-up night. The great thing about our overnight trips is that there are many more spaces than on charters. I plan on personally registering for the Holiday Valley trip!

This weekend myself and other volunteers will be representing the club at the Toronto Snow Show at the International Centre. If you are at the show, please stop by the HPSC booth and say hello! I personally feel that it is important for the future of our club that we continue to be seen as part of the Ontario snow sport industry. One of the best ways to gain new members is through direct interpersonal communication and that means being at the show.

As we get closer to the actual season, I am looking forward to meeting many of you at club activities including the last few weeks of SkiFit, at an upcoming New Member/Information night in November, as well as the Holiday event in early December. Please keep reading SnoBiz for all updates and  announcements.

Just a reminder that our Early Bird renewal price of $155 (+tax) ends next Tuesday. Starting on Wednesday, November 1 the renewal rate reverts back to the full price of $170 (+tax). Please don’t miss out!

If you were wondering, in place of my usual photo, this is the Tiki of Happiness. According to the note “Keep the Happiness Tiki by your side, it will bring happiness and joy to you and others around you.” After the last three years, we finally appear to be getting back to a normal season. I am hoping this Tiki will bring all of us Happiness and Joy this coming season.


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

President’s Message – Rebounding

I can’t believe that January is already over! And for the first time in three seasons we are concentrating on running trips and not other issues; looking more at weather forecasts than public health alerts. In the last two weeks we have run all scheduled day trips, two successful charter trips, our very popular Holiday Valley weekend, and, as well, members are currently in Tremblant till this Thursday. 

After a bit of a slow start, it appears that the snow has finally arrived, resulting in good conditions in ski country. To avoid disappointment, please sign up for trips early. If the trip is full, put your name on the waitlist – don’t worry you will not be charged for joining the waitlist. If there is enough interest, we will add a second bus, if possible. 

And we are planning new social events – the next being a Toronto Marlies game on the afternoon of Family Day (February 20) at Scotiabank Arena, against the Utica Comets. The Marlies are one of the top teams in the AHL, and lead the North Division, while the Comets are in second place. Utica are the farm team for the New Jersey Devils. Come see future Maple Leafs for a faction of the cost!  Click here to register. 

Finally, I am very pleased to mention that our membership number has finally rebounded to pre-COVID level, which at the time had been a high for at least the previous eight years. Included are more than 330 new members. Thank you to all of you for joining the club this season.  As I have said in the past, people join HPSC for various sports, but return year after year due to the friendships they make. 

I truly hope that all of you are enjoying this season! 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

President’s Message – Time to Have Fun!!

Dear HPSC Friends,

It has finally happened – we are back to our regular schedule!! 

This past Saturday we held our traditional Double Double day with lessons both in the morning and afternoon at Mount St. Louis.  And we were finally, after a number of weeks of disappointment, able to run cross-country trips due to the recent snowfall in resort country. Thank you to Heather for all her work in juggling the cross-country schedule to get the first trips run. This coming weekend our initial charter trips of the season leave for Jackson Hole and for France. I hope everyone has a fantastic time!

Just a reminder, for those who haven’t been on our day trips in a few seasons:  Last year we had to adjust our registration deadlines due to our change in bus company.  For weekend trips (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) the deadline is now on the Tuesday prior at 6 pm. The deadline for Wednesday trips is the previous Thursday at 6 pm. To avoid disappointment please sign up early. If the trip is full, please sign up on the waitlist. If there is enough interest, we will add a second bus (which also means using our two additional pick-up locations of Queen’s Quay and Liberty Village).

Regarding cross-country day trips, please make sure to read the trip descriptions carefully and follow updated posts on our Facebook group, regarding when trips open for registration. Due to the uncertainty of conditions, at least so far this season, registration is being opened when we are sure the resort conditions will allow us to run trips. This is to avoid having to process a large number of refunds which costs the club in credit cards fees.

Also as a reminder, if you need to cancel a day trip you have registered for, please send a message to

To end on a personal note, I am very disappointed that I will once again miss skiing and snowshoeing this season. According to an MRI I had just before Christmas, I have re-ruptured my quad tendon and I needed to have surgery repeated on January 11. I am currently in a full leg cast for the next 5 weeks and will then start physio once again. However, I will try to be at as many club events as possible while I recover. 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

Basic Information About Concussion

We love to ski! The twists and turns, the pivoting and edging, the thrill of the next hill and run, the fresh outdoors, the thrill of the ride!  While we take precautions to ski safely, unfortunately, accidents sometimes do happen.  It is good to have some basic information about concussion awareness.  We minimize the impact of the severity of any head injury by wearing helmets. 

Of note, loss of consciousness is not necessary for a person to have sustained a concussion.  While there has been controversy in the scientific community regarding criteria for traumatic brain injury and concussion, what is now commonly accepted is that among several criteria is some alteration in awareness associated with biomechanical forces to the head sufficient to cause neuropathological changes to the brain.

The good news is that for cases of mild concussion/mild traumatic brain injury, the physiological disruptions to the brain (and associated impairments in attention, memory, and information processing speed)  generally resolve for the majority of individuals within days or weeks.   

 Symptoms associated with concussion include (but are not limited to):  headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness.  As well, there may be impairments in orientation, short term memory, and information processing speed.

As first line responders, ski patrol may ask some basic questions about a person’s awareness and orientation.  For example, asking the person’s name, day of the week, birthdate, etc.  This information may be of subsequent benefit if further cognitive testing is conducted.  The following link shows some of the questions on a standardized assessment of concussion.

Given that loss of consciousness is not a requirement for a determination for sustaining a concussion, it is always good to speak to ski patrol if you have had a fall and hit your head with any sufficient force which you think might be of concern.  Remember:  in the vast majority of cases, the natural course of events is for the brain to fully heal when there have been minor physiological disruptions.

Jonathan Siegel

HPSC Instructor

2022/23 Downhill Day Trips Schedule

We are happy to announce the downhill day trips schedule for the upcoming season!

The coming season has 50 downhill day trips scheduled including a special Family Day trip to Beaver Valley. As in the past we will be following our usual schedule of trips on Saturday to Mount St. Louis (MSLM), Sunday and Monday to Blue Mountain, and Wednesday to the various private clubs. 

The first scheduled trips are December 10 to Mount St. Louis and December 11 to Blue Mountain.  The first Monday trip is January 9.  The Wednesday trips start on January 11.  There are three Wednesday trips to Alpine, and two each to Osler and Craigleith, and one to Devil’s Glen and one to Blue Mountain. Later in the season we have a number of TBD Wednesday trips since the private clubs cannot guarantee they will be open. 

Final prices for the day trips will be confirmed in the next number of weeks.

Hoping you have a fantastic season! 

Last chance to try out roller skiing! 

Looking for a way to get in shape for ski season or work on your technique in the off-season? Roller skiing is cross-country ski specific dryland training that will achieve both goals! It’s also a fun sport in its own right.

In conjunction with Ski Fit, HPSC is offering members a chance to try it out in High Park. In small groups (we have four pairs of roller skis), we will cover safety, the basic manoeuvres, how to slow and stop, how to cross uneven pavement, and point out hazards and how to avoid them. We will also cover equipment and where to get it and good places in the city you could ski.

Our last chance to try is

  • Oct. 22 9:30-10:15 am

Location: High Park. Meet at the Grenadier Cafe parking lot.


  • Bike helmet (mandatory)
  • Ski boots (mandatory – see below under booking)
  • Gloves (any kind, mandatory)
  • Optional, but highly recommended: knee and elbow pads. Spills on concrete can happen leading to scrapes. But we will be doing slow manoeuvres on flat pavement.

Prerequisites: being a current HPSC member (this will be checked), the above equipment, experience skiing on snow (skate and/or classic, whatever roller skiing you want to try), and a desire to learn!

To book your spot: email with the date you are interested and the type of ski boots you will bring (skate NNN, classic NNN or classic/skate SNS with the older Profil bindings that have one metal bar. If you have SNS bindings with two bars, our roller skis won’t work). If you have your own roller skis, you are welcome to attend. He

President’s Message – Welcome to Fall!

I have always loved the fall!! Last week we officially moved from summer to autumn with a very distinct change in the temperature. The fall also means moving closer to the ski season and more activities of the club. 

Over the last month or so, many of you have expressed your faith in HPSC by renewing your membership or joining for the first time. Thank you!  We have also held a successful social pub night and there have been two very successful long trip sign-up nights – some spots are still available on a number of charter trips. SkiFit has resumed every Saturday morning in High Park with a good number of core participants as well as some new and potential members each week. We held our Annual General Meeting last week as a hybrid meeting with members attending both in person at the National Yacht Club and virtually on Zoom.

Over the next couple of months, the long bus trips will open for registration (October 13), we will be releasing our day trips schedule (as they are finalized with the resorts), holding information nights for members and potential members (TBD), communicating what the procedures will be for day trips and for the first time in many years, we will have a booth at the Toronto Ski + Snowboard Show (October 28-30).Finally, since the next edition of SnoBiz will not be sent until after the holiday weekend, I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! 

Justin Graham

President’s Message – The season of renewal

Dear HPSC friends,

September has always been a time of renewal.  When we were children, September was the beginning of the school year (and still is for many of our members who are teachers).  It is also the time when our HPSC memberships come due.  If you have not yet done so, please take advantage of our early bird rate of $150 until October 31.  

Over the last week, I was very happy to meet up with many of you at our first social event of the season on Thursday September 8 at The Swan, and at the first SkiFit of the year on Saturday.  The turnout for both events clearly shows there is pent up demand for social connection and makes me very optimistic for the upcoming season.  

I was also pleased to meet so many new members. Thank you all for coming out.  We are planning more socials for over the fall and winter.  And of course, SkiFit happens every Saturday morning in High Park – registration opens each Tuesday prior to the session.  

One of the new members asked me what makes HPSC different, and I mentioned what I have said many times, that HPSC is a community.  That people may join the club for a sport, but what keeps them returning is the friends they make, the community of fellow members.  

You should have also received the official notification regarding the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday September 20.  We are once again holding a hybrid meeting with an in-person option (at the National Yacht Club) and a virtual option (via Zoom).  The AGM is an important event for the running of the club at which we present the financial results of the previous season, as well as discussion of what the club accomplished.  The AGM also is when changes to the by-laws are approved (or rejected).  All those registered to attend will be able to vote (both in-person and on Zoom).  If you have not yet done so please register to attend the AGM here.   If you are not able to attend, please fill out a proxy and send to

Justin Graham
President, HPSC

Last Call for the Ikon Pass!

Our Ikon Pass Group Sale is scheduled to wind up September 1. The club has organized trips to numerous Ikon Pass destinations such as Jackson Hole, Banff, Killington, and three trips to Tremblant. And of course, many day trips to Blue Mountain.  

Our Group Sale not only gets you a better price, it also gets you a chance to win an Ikon Base Pass (or equivalent refund)!  

The Ikon Pass provides access to 50 destinations, so if you wish to venture out on your own in addition to the club trips, there are many options. Plus, there are numerous discounts on food, beverages, and retail shops (10% for the Ikon Base Pass, and 15% with the Ikon Pass).  

Adventure Assurance comes free this year with every 22/23 Ikon Pass. Designed to alleviate uncertainty while providing flexibility for Ikon Pass holders, Adventure Assurance gives pass holders credits in the case of COVID-related closures and the option to defer the purchase price of an unused pass by December 8, no questions asked.  

Have you already purchased a Blue Mountain Pass? The 5×7 Pass is quite popular with our members. If you purchased this pass and are now realizing that the Ikon Pass would have worked better for you, I have good news. If you buy an Ikon Pass or Ikon Base Pass, you can get a refund for your 5×7 Pass! The Ikon Pass gives you unlimited access to Blue Mountain 7 days a week, with no blackouts.  

If you have already purchased an Ikon Base Pass, you can still upgrade to the full Ikon Pass. Simply login to your Ikon Pass account, View Account, and look for the upgrade link near the top of the page. It is presently $400 to upgrade to the Ikon Pass, and $250 to upgrade to the Ikon Base Plus Pass ($CDN).

Contact Russ Harding at for further details if you are interested or have questions.

Special note regarding Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole is one of the greatest ski destinations in the western USA with one of the very best authentic western towns.  There are many excellent dining experiences with local gourmet choices like elk, bison, local trout and of course beef.  If you are a fan of the Yellowstone series, you will enjoy the fabulous scenery and proximity to the Elk Refuge and possible day trips to Yellowstone Park. 

Our HPSC trip is in peak season, January 21-28, 2023 and the price without lifts is only $1,705.  You’ll need to add lifts if you do not have an Ikon Base Plus pass.  The cost of the 5-day lift pass from the tour operator is $1,125 (a sixth day for an additional $230). 

If you have not yet purchased an Ikon Pass and are interested, please contact Russ Harding ( to purchase an HPSC group Ikon Pass.  The sale price for the Ikon Base Pass is $1,039 pass and then you will need to upgrade to the Ikon Base Plus for an additional $250.  Note that the HPSC group sale is scheduled to end as of September 1, so sign up now!  

If you have already purchased the Ikon Base pass and are interested in upgrading to the Ikon Base Plus pass for the Jackson Hole trip, the cost is an additional $250 or if you would like to upgrade to the Ikon Pass, the additional cost is $400.   All passes also provide full access to Blue Mountain and Tremblant.

Reservations are required to guarantee access to the resort. This applies to all Ikon Pass holders as well as advanced ticket purchasers. Reservations are scheduled to open as of August 1. The LTC tracks major holidays, and there are none during our week in Jackson Hole. So, we do not expect any issue with trying to the desired dates for reservations, though we recommend making your reservations as soon as you can.

President’s Message – The Dog Days of August

August 17, 2022

Growing up mid-August was always a bit exciting for me. The CNE was about to open, which meant visits to Toronto by my aunts, uncles and cousins; the weather would start to turn a little more comfortable (I really hate hot humid weather); and the last two weeks before Labour Day were always my Dad’s vacation period.  Labour Day has always represented a new year for me.  As a member of High Park Ski Club, mid-August also means we are starting to gear up for the upcoming season.  For example, this week’s edition begins our regular two-week cycle of SnoBiz until the end of next April.

Over the next few week’s, you will be receiving information on renewing your club membership for the upcoming season.  The good news is that we are keeping membership fees at the same level as last year  – early bird rate until October 31st of $150 (+tax); after November 1st the fee increases to $170 (+tax).  New member rate is $150 (+tax) for the entire season. 

As you will read below, something new this year, we have a number of our charter trips going on sale next week.  As long as you are a valid member for the 2021/22 season (or have renewed your membership early) you can sign up; however, you have up to September 15th to renew your membership to keep your spot.  Please read the Long Trip article in SnoBiz carefully.

Regarding our planned COVID protocols for the upcoming season. As mentioned in the last SnoBiz, the club will still require members to wear masks while on buses for all trips.  However, moving with current public health guidelines, we will no longer require proof of vaccination to participate in any club activity.   The caveat of course is that if public health rules change, HPSC will need to adjust protocols.  As well, as noted in the Long Trips article in SnoBiz, members will need to still follow all vaccination requirements and rules for the locations travelling to.  For example, vaccination proof is still currently needed for non-US citizens entering the United States.  While we are not requiring vaccination proofs this year we still encourage all members to do whatever they can to stay healthy. 

On a different topic, If you have ever thought of becoming an HPSC Ski or Snowboard instructor, now is the time.  The club is currently recruiting for new instructors.  If you are interested, please contact our Director of Snow School, David Manning at . Due to the planning required for the season, applications need to be received by August 28th.   

September also kicks off a number of club activities – SkiFit will begin as usual on the first Saturday after Labour Day (September 10th).  As in the past couple of years registration will open each week on the Tuesday prior to that week’s session.  This year we will also be able to revive our weekly brunch after SkiFit at The Grenadier Café.

We are planning a Social event in early September (details to come in the next SnoBiz). 

And finally, please mark September 20th on your calendars for the club’s Annual General Meeting.  The AGM will be held in person at the National Yacht Club with an online Zoom option as we did for the Election night last April.  The official announcement will be sent in the next couple of weeks.

I am really looking forward to chatting with as many members over the next coming months as we prepare for what we all hope will be a fantastic year on the snow!


Justin Graham, President

High Park Ski Club

Announcing the New HPSC Ikon Group Pass Program!

And the chance to win back the cost of your pass!

High Park Ski Club is pleased to announce that our members can now purchase their Ikon pass through a group sales program.

All HPSC members who purchase a pass through the program, including those renewing their current pass, will have a chance to win a rebate of the cost of Ikon Base Pass*. Eligibility for the rebate program is not retroactive for passes already purchased or renewed.

For those purchasing a new Ikon pass there is a $50 discount off the list price. (Renewals are at the posted renewal rate.)

If you are interested in the program or would like more information, please contact long time HPSC member Russ Harding who is organizing the program for us, at

Russ will add you to the list of HPSC members purchasing a pass which is shared with Ikon for verification. If you are purchasing a new pass, you will receive a unique discount code for you to use when ordering your pass directly on the Ikon website.

For those renewing a pass, to qualify for the rebate program draw, you must register with Russ prior to renewing your pass directly on the Ikon website.

The group sales program is only available until August 31, 2022. However, list price rates for new passes and for renewal will increase at different times throughout the spring and summer, so for the past price, purchase/renew as early as possible.

Again, if you are interested in a new Ikon pass or plan to renew your pass, please contact Russ Harding at

*NOTE: The rebate offer is available only if at least 20 members purchase a pass through the HPSC Ikon Group sales program (including renewals). The number of rebate winners depends on the number of passes that are purchased. For example, for every 20 passes purchased through the program, we receive one rebated pass. The draw for rebate winner(s) will be held in November.

So you are vaccinated . . . now what?

As announced earlier in the summer, the HPSC Board made the decision that to protect the health of other club members and volunteers, in order to participate in most in-person club events this season you will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID.  

The first step will be to attest to your vaccination status on your member profile page, at the same time you acknowledge the Code of Conduct, Waiver, and Rowan’s law declaration after September 1st when membership renewal occurs.  Any falsification of vaccination status will be considered as a breach of the HPSC Code of Conduct and will be subject to disciplinary review

However, without confirmation of vaccination status the Long Trips Committee will not be able to arrange roommates or run close to full buses, that allow us to control the costs of trips. Or allow other portfolios to ensure only those fully vaccinated are participating in events. 

Therefore, as a second step at some point during the fall, we are asking that members provide our membership team with proof of your vaccination status (i.e. 2nd shot vaccination certificate or federal vaccination passport announced last week) by emailing it to  Only those on the membership team will have access to these emails and once they confirm your status by reviewing your document, all of your documents and emails will be deletedThe club will not be storing your private vaccination record.


For those concerned about privacy, on the vaccination certificate, we only need to see the following information: Name; Date of 2nd vaccination; Agent (COVID-19); Dose – 2 of 2.  All of the rest of the information can be blacked out. 

If you feel uncomfortable in emailing your documentation, we will also be arranging for numerous in-person events (i.e. after each week’s SkiFit; other nights during the week at locations around the city) when you can show the membership team your proof, and they will note your status.  If you cannot meet in person and are concerned about emailing your documents, we can arrange for a personal Zoom call where you can show your document.  We will NOT be recording or taking screen shots.

Please note that to register for charter or long trips at our signup nights in September and October you will need to have at least attested on your member profile that you are fully vaccinated. As with all members you will also need to provide your vaccination document at some point prior during the fall. If you are not fully vaccinated by trip signup night, you will not be able to register for trips until you are (if spots are still available).  If you have not had your second shot yet and want to sign up for charter or long trips, please arrange for your second shot so as soon as possible. At that point you can update your member profile page and send in/arrange to show us your vaccination proof document.

As mentioned earlier, you do not have to send in your vaccination proof right away.  If you feel more comfortable doing so when the Federal vaccination passport becomes available that is fine.  We just need to review your document prior to your first in-person event (please allow at least 5 days for our team to review and confirm your status – we are all volunteers so it might take time to get to).  If you are signing up for a long or charter trip it should be before full payment.

For charter trips, you will likely be required to provide the newly announced federal vaccination passport to our tour company partners. As well, last week the Federal government also announced that proof of vaccination will be required for travel, including domestically, by plane, train, etc. And it makes sense to assume that long distance bus trips should also be included. 

If you CANNOT be vaccinated due to a medical condition, and can provide a doctors note to our membership team simply stating this (without any medical diagnosis information) you will be able to have limited participation in club events this year, (i.e. drive up for a day trip and participate in lessons).  However, as announced earlier you will not be able to register for any long or charter trips, or to go on the bus for daytrips.

We acknowledge that members have the free choice to not be vaccinated; however, we as the directors of the club have the duty to protect the health and safety of our club members and volunteers to the best of our ability.  Until the pandemic is declared over in Canada, the best option for protection and moving to a more ‘normal’ environment is vaccination.  If you are dissatisfied with this policy, we are truly sorry.  We can, upon request, if you choose, to defer your membership for another year or refund your membership fee (however, your club seniority would be maintained), and we will welcome you back once pandemic measure are lifted.     

Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

HPSC Snow School had another tremendous training and teaching season!

Let’s only remember the 406 classes taught, the many programs offered, the sooo popular Saturday races at Mount St Louis Moonstone. Your CSIA and CASI qualified instructors continued to train at Tremblant and in Ontario to bring you safe, productive and fun lessons.Our 51 ski and snowboard instructors want to thank all HPSC members for your enthusiastic participation in our daily trips lessons and Canadian overnight trips guidance.A few special instructor achievements deserve our warmest congratulations:

Laura Shepherd – full Level 3!
David Manning – Course conductor for Level 1 courses 
+ CSIA Ontario and National – HPSC Instructor of the year
Mike Romano – accepted in the Level 4 academy
Matt Diamond – CSIA (skiing) Level 2
Carmen Lopes – CASI (snowboarding) Level 2

We hope to see you all again in our lessons next winter!

You asked and we listened!  By popular demand!  This is not a Club Med trip!

HPSC returns to Niseko, Japan for 2025 from Wednesday, January 8th to Sunday, January 19th. Pricing and sign-up details will be available soon. Once again, our trip leader will be a very experienced Japan traveller with skill in navigating the streets and subways of Tokyo.

Fact: Japan receives the world’s most snowfall! Why risk another ski season?

Experience 3 full days in Tokyo (4 nights) and experience the sights and bright lights of Tokyo, as well the exceptional food and service that Japan is renowned for. 

You’ll spend 5 days skiing in the Niseko area. IKON pass holders will have 5 days of free lift access with your pass at Niseko United resorts.

This trip is modular! If you want to stay longer in Japan and tour around, you can book a personal extension for this trip. You can use your airline points to book your airfare!We will be hosting 2 video calls in the next 2-3 weeks to answer questions and walk you through what to expect. We will have pricing information for the calls. Stay tuned!

If you are interested contact to get times and details for the calls.

President’s Message – The end of the HPSC year!

Dear Friends,

This time of year is always bittersweet – April 30th represents the end of our official year, but also the beginning of the off season when many of our members join other clubs to stay active. Some cycle, play tennis or pickleball, sail, hike, etc. In many cases their ski club friends are also members of these other clubs so they are able to stay in touch. Other times this means the end of seeing your winter friends until next season. 

While our official year ends on April 30th, it also represents the start of next season. Much of the planning for next season is done over the summer and finalized in the fall. Please keep reading SnoBiz during the summer months when we go down to a once a month schedule, to stay informed about the club. 

An important event at the end of the club year is the Annual Election Night, this year on Tuesday,  April 30th.  As in the past few years, we are running a hybrid meeting where you can attend via Zoom or in person at the National Yacht Club. If you haven’t already done so, please register here. Without quorum, we cannot officially hold the election and therefore cannot conduct any business on behalf of the club such as sign contracts or arrange events. If you plan to attend virtually, you need to register by 11:59 pm on Monday, April 29th. You will be sent the link on Tuesday. 

One area where we have changed over the years is the announcements of charter and long trips for next season. In the past we would announce all of the trips in late August or early September to allow members and potential members the information prior to joining the club. With the advent of the Ikon pass we have been trying to allow our members/potential members to have a good sense of what trips we have arranged to allow them to purchase an Ikon pass at the best price. 

This is the reason we put the special 75th Anniversary trip to Sun Valley on sale last week, prior to the Ikon pass price increase. This is also what I am calling the “President’s Choice” trip since I will be the Trip Leader. The response has been very good over the last week, with the trip selling strongly. 

I am looking forward to seeing many of you next week at the election night, and over the summer.  Next year will be our 75th Anniversary and I am hoping it will be one of the best seasons ever for High Park Ski Club. 

Since this is the last SnoBiz of the year, I want to end my message saying one more time how grateful I am that all of you made the decision to join High Park Ski Club this season and hope that you will rejoin next season when membership renewals go out in September. 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

Long Trips

Thanks to everyone who made our 2023/24 season such a success! The Ikon Pass pricing will go up as of April 18, so we want to give you a sneak peak at our next season so you can purchase your pass at the best prices. Be sure to purchase your pass through the group website and be entered in the draw for a free pass. 

Our special 75th anniversary trip will be to the iconic ski resort of Sun Valley, Idaho from Jan 26 to February 2, 2025. This special 75th anniversary trip will require an Ikon Base Plus pass or a full Ikon pass. More details will be posted soon with instructions on how to ensure that if you purchase the full pass or Base+, your spot on the Sun Valley trip can be confirmed.   

Other amazing 2024/25 trips will be to Ikon Base pass destinations in the Dolomite region in Italy, and to HPSC favourites like Sun Peaks and Banff. At your request, there will be four trips to Mont Tremblant. More trips will announced when details are available but include a Club Med destination in France that is new to HPSC, and a return to Jasper in Alberta.Please keep reading SnoBiz over the next few months for news on next season’s trips including how and when you can sign up to lock in your spots on the trips of your dreams.

Day Trips

The 2023/2024 downhill day trips season came to an end on Saturday, March 23 at MSLM. It was a great way to wrap up the season with a surprise cold week with some snow in Toronto and the ski resorts.

A huge thank you to the volunteer downhill day trips team! On a weekly basis, these are your volunteers who worked hard behind the scenes. We had 53 day trips planned for this season, and this team did all the work to coordinate them, even for the trips that didn’t run.

Saturday Trip Coordinator: Bishu Basuroy
Sunday Trip Coordinator: Michael Hardtke
Monday Trip Coordinator: Sheila Moshonas
Wednesday Trip Coordinator: Fran Burgess
Day Trips email inquiries: Jason Tsang
Bus Captain forms: Heidi Gay

Thank you to all club members who volunteered to be bus captains on all our day trips!

Thank you to Downhill Snow School and all instructors for organizing, teaching lessons and clinics, as well as the MSLM race series!

We had an unseasonably warm winter, but we still got quite a few weeks of trips with full registrations. I’m already looking forward to next season and hoping for a lot more snow and winter!

Election Night – April 30

High Park Ski Club is volunteer run organization, led by an executive team consisting of the volunteer President and volunteer Board of Directors. Election Night is your chance to ensure the best qualified members are selected to fill each of these crucial roles to ensure the smooth running of the club. 

New directors must stand for a 2 year term, while incumbent directors can choose to stand for a 2 year or a 1 year term. This year, eight positions are up for election – the other four were elected for 2 year terms last April. 

The following members are up for election:

Director of CommunicationsSuzanne de GrandpréIncumbent2 years
Director of Cross-country and SnowshoeingHeather SteelIncumbent2 years
Director of Downhill Day TripsAmy LamIncumbent1 year
Director of Long TripsKim WiebeIncumbentTBD
Director of MarketingRocco RomeoIncumbent1 year
Director of Membership and VolunteersMike HambardzumyanNew2 years
Director of SocialJennifer BeattyIncumbentTBD
PresidentJustin GrahamIncumbent1 year

This year we are holding a hybrid election with both an in-person event at the National Yacht Club, as well as a virtual option via Zoom, for out of town members and for those unable to attend in person. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote in the election.

We require a quorum of at least 75 members in good standing to be in attendance (in-person or virtually). If you are unable to attend either in-person or virtually) please fill out the proxy form.  After filling out the form, please send to

Please register here for either attending In-person or via Zoom. If registering for the Zoom option, you will be sent a link to the meeting the day of the event.

President’s Message –  Being part of the solution!

If I haven’t said it lately – THANK YOU for being a member of High Park Ski Club! Without members we would not have a purpose. 

Coming out of the pandemic where so many people were isolated and alone, our club offers the opportunity to connect with others. My theory is that this enforced and extended lack of community and connection is partially the cause for many of the issues our society is facing today.  I hope that HPSC can play a part in the solution.  

Next season marks our 75th Anniversary and in today’s SnoBiz there are some important announcements about next season.  I hope you will be as excited as I am about these plans. 

As a reminder about our 75th Anniversary season, the election of a majority of the board for next season is on April 30th. Please register here for either in-person at the National Yacht Club or via Zoom. Please read below for more information on the election. 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

Interested in travelling to XC ski and snowshoe? Consider helping us out!

There are many awesome places to ski and snowshoe in Canada, the US and beyond! We know there is more demand now for long trips, but XC needs help to make more long trips happen.

There are different kinds of help needed: 

1. You could help us with general online research to find great new locations and/or research locations where we are thinking of going. It would be great to develop a ‘database’ of locations (and details about them).

2. You could assist in organizing specific trips.

3. You could be a trip leader. There are benefits to being a trip leader – you for sure will get on the trip (which sometimes can be hard for popular trips!) and a good portion of your trip will be paid for (it depends on the type of trip as to how much). Trip leaders should be detail-oriented, friendly, and able to roll with the punches and problem solve. Assisting on a trip is a good way to get started and learn the ropes!

Email if you are willing to help us out! 

Cross-Country Paradise!

HPSC recently had a fabulous trip to Quebec City (Mar. 10-15). While I’ve been skiing for over a decade, it was my first time there. I can’t wait to go back! It really is one of the best bases for XC skiing and snowshoeing in the country. We visited three locations – Mont-Ste-Anne (two days), Sentier des Caps (at Le Massif; one day), and Camp Mercier (one day). Combined you are looking at 250+km of trails! As with most trips this year, conditions were looking dire…then the area received 50cm of new snow the day before our first ski day. We were saved!!! Follow this up with four days of sun and above zero temperatures and we got some pretty magical spring skiing. Everyone keeps asking me why I am so tanned. Yes, I forgot sunscreen.

My favourite day hands down was Sentier des Caps. It was solid sun all day, and the classic skiing in the trees was amazing. The system isn’t large, but it made up for that in views of the St. Lawrence – including a magnificent one off the Abbatis hut (made the tough climb out worth it!). But all our ski days were fantastic – and Jean-Emile was even passed by world champion skier Alex Harvey at MSA!

A great part of the trip is staying in the city – not only do you get great skiing during the day, you can wander around a beautiful city at night and eat lots of amazing food, including as many croissants as you could want. If you need a break from skiing, you can be a city tourist. It’s really the best of both worlds

Huge thanks to Ephraim for his exceptional trip leading skills and hopefully we get to go again!

Heather Steel
Director of Cross-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing

Long Trips

It looks like members on our last long trip of the season, Club Med Charlevoix, are having a wonderful time skiing at Le Massif and enjoying the terrific food and dining at Club Med. Check out their pictures on the HPSC Facebook page.

There are lots of administrative tasks to be done to close off the season but rest assured that planning for our 75th anniversary season in 2025 is underway. We will have a special announcement about a super early sign up in the next SnoBiz and on Facebook. Many members choose the Ikon pass, with 5 days available at many resorts. However, this special 75th anniversary trip will require an Ikon Base Plus pass or full Ikon pass. We want to ensure that if you want to go on this trip, you will be able to guarantee your spot in April, and can benefit from the best Ikon pass pricing, on now, for the 2025 season. I hope that you have had a wonderful season and are thinking about where you want to go with HPSC next year!