The New Year means the ski season is moving into full swing with four HPSC alpine day trips scheduled each week (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday).

The full January schedule is available for registration, so go in and book all of the daytrips you plan on going on. As we did last year, we are guaranteeing to run at least one bus (except due to extreme weather conditions) for all scheduled trips in January and February. A second bus will only be added if there is strong interest and we have filled the first bus, so it is best to sign up as soon as possible. Our club is growing quickly, which means more sold out buses, so sign up early and sign up often.
Alpine Daytrip highlights in January:
January 11 @ MSLM: Member Appreciation and Double Double Lessons. You can take lessons both morning and afternoon with our own HPSC Ski Instructors, and then stay for a special Pizza après event for HPSC Members only. This is a Member only trip. The bus will depart at 6:15pm allowing for additional time to socialize and get to know your fellow HPSC members.
January 25: Alpine/Nordic Cross-Over Day – Downhill skiers and boarders are encouraged to try out cross-country skiing or snowshoeing with our fellow Nordic HPSC members at Scenic Caves. At the end of the day is the annual Nordic Wine & Cheese event. Nordic skiers are encouraged to cross-over and try downhill or boarding for the day at Mount St. Louis Moonstone. As always, all HPSC members can take free lessons with our own qualified ski school instructors.
January 26@Blue Mountain: National Ski and Snowboard Day and free HPSC Pizza Lunch. Join the HPSC Sunday@Blue Crew to celebrate National Ski and Snowboard Day with one of our special pizza lunch events.
Also open for registration is the special members only day trip to Holiday Valley on February 15. This is the only daytrip we will be running over Family Day weekend. No drive up option is available for this trip.
Don’t delay and risk not getting on the daytrips you want . . . sign up early, and sign up often.