Get some skiing in prior to the New Year!

Can’t wait to get on the hills – Neither can we! After our kick off on December 7, we have scheduled six more trips in December to choose from. 

Midweek Skiing: For those who like to ski mid-week and want to get some extra days in on their 5X7 or Ikon pass, we have a couple of trips to Blue Mountain (Monday December 9; Wednesday December 18). 

Get the Rust Off/Sleep In Days: Do you really want to do a ski assessment on your first run of the year?  For the weekend of December 14 and 15, while our instructors are off on their annual training excursion to Mount Tremblant, we are offering a couple of sleep-in “Get the Rust Off” days to Mount St. Louis and Blue Mountain respectively.  These are combo trips with our Nordic members, and since the entire day will be free skiing we have agreed to use the slightly later Nordic pick-up times (starting at 7:50 from Bloor/Indian Rd.)   Because we are leaving the city off a little later in the morning, we get to stay at the hills a little longer, allowing for more Après time!

Avoid the Crazy Mall Crowds – Go Skiing Instead: Get your shopping done early so you can avoid the crazy crowds at the mall on the last weekend before Christmas and instead enjoy the fairly empty slopes at Mount St Louis and Blue Mountain. December 21 and 22 our instructors will be back, so we are back to our regular trip schedule.

Can’t Wait to Try Out Your New Equipment?: For those who just got new equipment as a gift or on Boxing Day and just can’t wait to try it out, we have scheduled a trip to Mount St Louis on Saturday December 28.   

Avoid the Crowded Holiday Slopes – Ski with Us at Mansfield Ski Club Instead: Our last trip of 2019 is on Monday December 30 when we are off to Mansfield Ski Club for a special treat during the holiday break.  While the other resorts may be crowded with everyone else who just got new equipment, we will be skiing at a private club which prides itself on having fantastic conditions for it’s members and guests. And due to it’s closeness to the GTA we will be starting off a later than normal (first pickup is 8am from Bloor/Indian Rd.), which means of course more Après time in the afternoon.  Celebrate an early New Year with your HPSC friends!

Two Bus Test Drive on December 7th Means Additional Pick Up Locations at Queen’s Quay and Liberty Village

We have two buses for this the first daytrip of the season, which means that we have added the two additional pickup points of Queen’s Quay, and the new spot in Liberty Village. 

As a reminder, even if you didn’t sign up for these pick-up spots, you can use any of the locations that best suits your needs! To find out exactly where all of our pick-up locations click here:

Registration deadline is December 4th by 6pm!

Special Family Day Weekend Day Trip To Holiday Valley Now Open for Registration

Holiday Valley resort, just outside of Buffalo, has been a very popular destination for the High Park Ski Club for a long time.  The weekend trip sells our very quickly each season.  This year you too can experience the magic of Holiday Valley for yourself . . . if just for a day

On the Family Day weekend, we will be running just this one day trip – Saturday February 15.   Much like the weekend trips, we expect the day trip will sell out quickly so please register as soon as possible.  The day also includes a pizza après at the resort. 

Since we are heading west instead of north, the last pickup location for this special daytrip will be in Oakville at the commuter lot at Winston Churchill and the QEW, in place of 400/7. All of the other regular pickup locations will be used.  

This is a Member Only event.  No “Bring a Friend” nor drive-ups allowed. 

Registration is now open.  To find the trip, go to the Downhill daytrips registration page and go to the calendar at the bottom.  Forward the calendar to February and the trip will be there on February 15.

Member Appreciation / Double Double Day Trip Now Open for Registration

One of the highlights of the HPSC season is the annual Member Appreciation Day trip to Mount St. Louis Moonstone on Saturday January 11th.  This is also our annual Double Double trip with lessons in both the morning and afternoon.  This is a fantastic way to get motivated for the rest of the ski season. 

At the end of the day we will be staying a little later than normal allowing for more Après time to mix and mingle.  This is a fantastic way for new members to get to know their fellow HPSC members.  In addition, there will be free pizza during the après.  The bus will depart at 6:15pm. 

This is a Members ONLY event. 

DRIVING UP to the hill? A few reminders to help us provide you with the best experience!

#1- If you drive-up, you need to register on-line before the deadline in order to take a lesson !

Before each day trip, your instructors diligently review the numbers of on-line registrations in order to best organize the different STEP classes. . 

This is why if you drive-up, and want to take a lesson, you need to register on the HPSC site before the deadline. We want to ensure we arrange enough instructors to allow for manageable class sizes. On some Saturdays we can have between 20 and 40 members driving up, and consequently, we need to add an additional 4 to 8 instructors to ensure a valuable learning experience for all of our members.

With increasing numbers of members both on the bus and driving up, we can only provide instruction if you register before the deadline. If you do not register before the deadline, you will not be counted in during lesson planning, and consequently we may not have enough instructors to provide a safe, fun, and challenging experience for our members.  Drive-ups who do not register before the deadline cannot join a class. 

Follow the drive-up instructions to join a class!!

#2- Get your own lift tickets!

Since you arrive on your own, you will need to buy your own lift tickets, unless of course, you have a pass. You will not be able to take advantage of the HPSC group rate. Make sure you give yourself enough time to do this and be ready for the lesson line-up!

#3- Cancel if you change your plans

If you have registered as a drive-up before the deadline and then cannot make it, we ask that you follow the same cancellation procedures as if you were on the bus:

For Saturday, Sunday and Monday trips, email before 8:00pm the previous Wednesday. For Wednesday trips, email before 8:00pm the previous Sunday.

If you are still registered by the deadline, we assume that you are coming and will include you in our planning and will send enough instructors to teach you and all other registered members. 

#4- Read the Trip Status Email You Receive Prior to the Day Trip

A day or two before the trip, you will receive a Trip Status email which will include important information such as where and when ski assessment will be, where and when classes will meet.  PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY!! Times might change depending on the bus arrival, so check with an instructor (green and blue stylish jacket) in the chalet or on the hill.

#5- Limited Number of Drive-up Spots – So Sign up early! 

In order to offer safe, fun and challenging classes for all, and to ensure that communications and safety are maintained throughout the process, the number of drive-ups are limited to approximately 1 drive-up spot for every 2 members on the bus . In order words, we will initially limit drive ups to 25 spaces for the first bus. As soon a second bus is added, an additional 25 drive-up spaces will be open. So, sign up early!!

Once again, the bottom line is: If you are driving-up and want to join a class, make sure you register early and before the deadline! If you forget, you can ski on your own or with your friends when others are in class; just make sure you register next time!!

Thank you for following these guidelines which will really help the club volunteers who strive to provide all members with a great day trip experience. See you on the hill!!

From your Day Trip and Snow School Directors

Come Test Us Out!! – Experience a HPSC Ski Day for Yourself! Test Drive Day – December 7th @MSLM

Have you wanted to learn to ski or snowboard?  Or get back into the sport?  Or don’t have anyone to go with?  Or just don’t want to drive all the way up to the resort yourself.  You are who HPSC is made for.  Come test us out!!

On December 7th we want to welcome all potential members (and of course members) who would like to find out what an HPSC downhill day is like.  This is the first of our two annual Test Drive days which means registration is open to one and all.

In addition to a discounted group lift ticket, as on all of our daytrips, all who register (including non-members) can participate in our free lessons by our CSIA qualified ski instructors.

Continue reading “Come Test Us Out!! – Experience a HPSC Ski Day for Yourself! Test Drive Day – December 7th @MSLM”

Are you getting excited yet?? Just a month until the first scheduled day trip

As the days get colder we skiers and boarders get more and more excited.  The daytrips team has been working hard over the summer and fall to plan an interesting season of skiing and boarding for all of our members. 

Things kick off on Saturday December 7th with our first Test Drive day of the season to Mount St. Louis Moonstone.  Make sure you have a spot on the first ski trip of the year!  The Test Drive is open to non-members.  Registration is now open.

Continue reading “Are you getting excited yet?? Just a month until the first scheduled day trip”

Downhill Day Trips

Management of Daytrips for 2019-20 Season

As you may be aware, Erika Clark, the Director of Downhill Day Trips, resigned in late August.  In the meantime we have been searching for a new Director to take over the portfolio.  In late September, long-time member Justin Graham agreed to take over the logistics and management of Downhill daytrips for the upcoming season.  However, for personal reasons, he has chosen not to be the Director.  His title is Assistant Director of Day Trips.  Christine Bellerose, the Director of Ski School has agreed to also represent Day Trips on the HPSC Board of Directors. 

Erika is not going away but needed to step away from the Board to concentrate on her new job.  You will still see her on the bus, and she has agreed to help out where and when she can.  We would like to sincerely thank Erika for her fantastic leadership of Day Trips, and her extensive contribution to the club, over the last year and a half.  Good luck Erika and see you on the slopes!

Downhill Day Trips Schedule

The downhill day trips schedule is now finalized and is currently available as a downloadable PDF on the website under Our Trips – Downhill day trips – Downhill day trips registration.  You need to be logged in to the site.

We are working on adding all of the trips to the calendar but wanted to make sure that you have the schedule to start planning out your ski season.   The first trips will be open for registration by early November.   

Our first scheduled day trip is the annual Test Drive day to Mount St. Louis on Saturday December 7. 

As we have in the past few seasons, most Saturdays we are scheduled to go to Mount St. Louis; Sundays and Mondays to Blue Mountain; and Wednesdays to the variety of private clubs in the Collingwood area.  We have also added in a few new resorts – Mansfield Ski Club and Caledon Ski Club in Ontario; and Holiday Valley in New York.   

Some highlights for the upcoming season:

  • December 7 – First scheduled day trip and first Test Drive Day to Mount St. Louis.
  • December 30 – A special Holiday Week trip to a location the club has not gone to in a very long time – Mansfield Ski Club. 
  • January 11 – Member Appreciation Day and Double Double lesson day at Mount St. Louis.  This is a Member Only trip.
  • February 15 – Special Family Day Weekend day trip to Holiday Valley NY. Note this the only daytrip we will be running over the Family Day weekend.  This is a Member Only trip.
  • February 29 – Test Drive #2 at Mount St. Louis
  • March 21 – Sleep in Saturday.  We will also be going to a new resort for weekend skiers – Caledon Ski Club. 
  • Numerous Pizza days throughout the season at Mount St. Louis and Blue Mountain.
  • Almost every day trip is a Bring a Friend trip – please see the schedule for Bring a Friend trips.

New Pick Up Location Approved by the Board – Liberty Village

We are happy to announce that the HPSC Board of Directors has approved the addition of a new Downhill Day Trips pick up location. 

When we have enough registrants for a second bus, we will now be using a new pick up in the Liberty Village area to accommodate the growing number of members in that part of the city.  The pick-up location will be to the west of Lamport Stadium on Fraser Avenue.  This will be the second pickup after Queens Quay. 

For those using public transit, the King streetcar goes right past, and the Dufferin bus is just a couple of blocks away.  The Exhibition GO station is also within walking distance. For those who drive, there is a Green P paid parking lot on the south side of Lamport Stadium. 

NOTE – This location will only be listed and used (along with Queens Quay) when we have added a second bus to a trip after we have filled the first bus and have sufficient members on the wait list to justify a second bus.  

Information on all of our pick-up locations is located on the website: