Did you know that HPSC has it’s own Oscar Award? Oscar Hatashita was one of the founders of the club from 1950. Oscar was the last surviving founder and has attended 60th Anniversary celebration. Oscar’s name was famous among the club members, as he had an “Oscar” ski shop. Everyone would go to “Oscar” at the beginning of the season for the new boots fitting, and the styles and the bindings were changing fast. We’ve established an Award in honour of Oscar Hatashita for 65th Anniversary. Denise Janssen was the first recipient of the Award for her outstanding contribution to the development of the club. This year the glamour of Magic Carpet is virtual due to coronavirus pandemic that has rained on our parade. The pictures of the winners were taken on the snow, Magic Carpet the original.
And The HPSC Oscar Hatashita Award Goes to…
COLIN MARSH – for outstanding accomplishment of the club’s membership growth

After a decade of slow although steady decline in club’s membership the trend has changed to the 20% membership growth in the last two years. This is an outstanding result, close to a miracle. Colin is the man behind club’s new website redesign, he took on the design and development side of the project with the IT, Communications and all Directors for the exciting design and content. The launch of the website for the 2018/19 season provided a superior experience for members and prospective members and the Club’s online advertising campaign drove membership growth and a lot of interest for our club from the diverse groups. As a Marketing Director and Vice President Colin has made a lot of positive changes and decisions for the best interest of our club members, New Members nights, referral program have blossomed and resulted in the continuous growth. Congratulations on your outstanding results and recognition of your accomplishments and success from your colleagues at the Board of Directors, Colin!
GEORGE LORENZ – for outstanding leadership and guidance to the Board of Directors

George is High Park Ski club life timer. After being the President of the club for multiple terms, leading the trips, teaching cross country skiing, participating in all types of activities in the club George has accumulated a big mountain of wisdom, experience, knowledge and… patience. As a Chair of Advisory Board George has probably saved our club from the mini crisis a few times, helping the Boards forming–storming–norming and high performing. It’s a great support to the Board to have access to George’s expertise in governance, risk management, by-laws applicabilities and personal common sense… Thank you George! Congratulations on the Oscar Hatashita Award and Board’s recognition and appreciation of your leadership and guidance.
KAREN EVANS – for authoring club’s “Code of Conduct” and thoughtful leadership

Karen is known to many of us as “Energizer Bunny” for her sparkling positivity and endless energy that she shares with members at SkiFits in High Park in the fall, on the cross country trails or on the mountains teaching skiing. As a world traveler Karen inspires us all to live the life to the fullest. One of the most outstanding contributions of Karen into development of our club is Karen’s authoring of the club’s “Code of conduct” for members and Board of Directors. Safety, well being and positive experience of our members and volunteers are our top priority in the club. How many times we had to navigate the complex situations and find the answers and solutions in the simple positive statements of our “Code of conduct”, which we all acknowledge, when we join the club. Thank you Karen, for sharing with us your wisdom and for applying your outstanding communication skills in documenting the “Code of conduct” that serves our club for many years.
BILL BATES – for enabling our members to travel the the best ski resorts in the world

Every year around end of summer and in the fall there is a buzz in the club… What are the overnight trips planned for us? The joy of dreaming and traveling… Behind many of our dreams, behind well planned trips is a great team (everyone stays on the team for many years) and a mindful leader, one and only Bill Bates. Bill dedicates so many hours to our club, his expertise and knowledge, kindness and care, he could be a one man successful tour operator business! Bill’s emails to the team come usually after midnight. Bill’s leadership philosophy is: “We care about our members as concerned relatives, and we treat our members as responsible adults.” Bill is one of Directors who has to apply “Code of Conduct” written by Karen creatively to find the most positive solution for the club and responsible adults members. Bill is always open for new ideas and innovations, and can calculate to the single dollar the cost and risk of the idea. The success of our overnight trips have grown, no wonder most of our trips sell out within one minute. Thank you dear Bill, you’ve enabled and empowered many of us to travel the world, to see the most beautiful mountains, trails and resorts. We want to express our gratitude to you for your outstanding contribution, for the moments of joy our members experienced thanks to you, with this special Award in memory of Oscar Hatashita, one of the founders of the club.

Bill (3rd from left) is always in Front Of The Line…