Trip Sign-Up Night
Get ready! Coming soon are two Trip Sign-Up Nights (TSUN)- Thursday, October 10 for Charters and Thursday, October 24 for Overnight bus trips. You must be a paid member to be able to register for a trip. Don’t wait until the last minute to pay for your 2019-2020 membership. Here is why. Your membership renewal is not automatic; it is handled by a volunteer. While you submit your renewal application and pay online, the actual renewal will take a number of days to authorize. For a new member, the application must be approved which will take a bit longer. So don’t delay, renew your membership now!
How to Register
The procedures for registering on TSUN are on the webpage, TRIP SIGN UP PROCESS. Please read this page carefully so you understand what to do when the time comes. Popular trips can sell out very quickly, sometimes within the first minute or two. So if you are unsure what to do and are fumbling around with the website, you could miss out. As the Boy Scout motto says, “Be prepared.”
Travelling with a Friend
If you want to travel with a friend, roommate or spouse, you can register for yourself plus ONE additional person at the same time. Both of you must be members. Simply put a “1” in the Guest field and continue to the payment page. After you have paid the $200 deposit, you are guaranteed 2 spots.
Charter Trips
Six of our 2020 charter trips will go on sale on Thursday, October 10. Don’t look for the “Register” button now, you have to wait until October 10. Read over the detailed descriptions and decide which trips appeal to you. If you are uncertain about a trip or have questions, contact the Trip Leader who will clarify and get you the answers.
Trip Leaders
Trip Leaders were assigned in September and are undertaking their training this month. When training is complete, the names and contact information will be posted on a webpage. The page is only open to members so you must login to see it. If you find the page now, you will see that names are missing – be patient, they’ll be there soon.
Parking for Overnight Trips
We are looking for an alternate parking lot for our 2020 overnight bus trips. The lot would need to accommodate approximately 25 cars for the duration of each trip. If you can suggest a suitable location or want to help us find one, please contact Kevin Chabot, Parking Coordinator, .
Bill Bates, Director