Welcome New Instructors to the Downhill Snow School!

Check out who they are and what their favourite things to do are. Keep your eyes out as we introduce you over the next several weeks. Today we welcome Jonathan Siegel

Jonathan is a Level 2 ski instructor and taught children skiing at Mt. St. Louis for 4 years. He has benefitted so very much from the camaraderie and connection with other High Park skiers over the past 12 + years and is grateful for all the lessons he has been able to take over the years with instructors at High Park Ski Club. Skiers are souls with bodies who have experienced a glimpse of heaven on earth.

Most Memorable Ski Memory

There is no one “most” memorable ski memory as there are just so many wonderful memories and wild and wonderful experiences off and on the hill.  There is a saying in Toastmasters which is equally applicable to skiing:  “If you get out of skiing what you came to get of out skiing, you will never get out of skiing”! This picture is over 10 years old, but a reminder to always go back to Banff, Lake Louise, and run # 22!

From strength-to-strength! – Jonathan Siegel