Announcement regarding Downhill Daytrips

The season is fast approaching, and we are finally able to announce how things will run. 

First off, we thank you all for your patience.  It has been a very challenging year for planning.  All of the resorts have and will be short staffed this coming season (as are many service industries), so we ask that you understand and be patient with our resort partners.  They will be doing the best they can with fewer staff and much more work to do. 


Saturday trips to Mount St. Louis Moonstone (MSLM)

The good news is that the general procedure for our trips to MSLM will be fairly familiar, with a few alternations. 

First off, due to contact tracing requirements, we need to send MSLM our list of members on the bus 3 days prior to each trip.  We do not need to send the list of drive-up members (instructors excluded.) Therefore, the registration deadline will be changed to TUESDAYS by 6 pm instead of our traditional Thursdays. 

As in past years, drive-ups are responsible for purchasing their own ticket and will need to register for HPSC lessons online (cut off is Tuesday by 6pm.) 

Once we arrive, the Bus Captain will, as in the past, go in and pick-up the tickets and will distribute them at the bus.  This year the tickets are actually RIF readable paper cards.  The Bus Captain will also pick up wrist bands that identify you as being fully vaccinated.  This will allow our members to enter the grounds without having to show vaccination proof at the ‘gates’ that will be set up.  Since we have already verified your vaccination proof, MSLM has agreed to this protocol, so our members will not be required to show their proof.  However, we still recommend that you carry your vaccination proof with you.

The biggest change to our normal procedure is that you will not be able to get dressed, put on your boots etc. within the lodge. The lower level will only available be as a warm-up area during the day.  Therefore, members will need to get prepared on the bus (or at their car if driving up.)  To ensure enough room on the bus to do this safely, we are reducing the number of available bus spots to 35 to start with.  (We will be constantly reviewing processes during the season so we might be able to increase that number if we can do so safely). 

Despite reduced bus capacity the bus fee will remain at $30. 

Once members are on hill, you will scan the lift card at the RIF gate at each lift which will “activate” your ticket. You are then free to ski/snowboard/join lessons.

The cafeteria will be open to purchase lunch during the lunch period (11:30am-2:30pm) but will be limited to just 45 minutes.  No bagged lunches will be allowed into the cafeteria or the lower-level warm-up areas; therefore, the bus will be available during the lunch period (12pm to 2pm) for members to eat their bagged lunch.

After 2:30pm the upstairs bar will be open for après without a time limit.  Currently there is no capacity limit but that may change based on public health guidelines.  When you are finished for the day, you can just stay at the bar in your gear or go to the bus and get changed and stay at the bus or change and head back to the lodge for Après.  We ask that if you stay in your gear, that you give your self enough time to get back to the bus in time for departure.  In all cases, we request that members be on the bus 10 minutes prior to departure time so that we can leave on time.  Departure time is not when you need to get to the bus it is when we need to leave. 

Sunday trips to Blue Mountain South

Much like MSLM, the Blue Mountain South lodge will not be open to get changed during the weekend.  Therefore, you will need to get changed on the bus and make your way over to the lifts.  And as with the Saturday trips we are restricting the number of bus seats to 35 to begin with.

Again despite reduced bus capacity the bus fee will remain at $30. 

The Bullwheel pub on the upper level will be open from 11am to 7pm for lunch and après.  However, as at MSLM you cannot bring bagged lunches into the Bullwheel.  If you pack a lunch you will need to eat it on the bus which will be open from 12pm to 2pm. 

To access the Bullwheel you will need to provide your vaccination proof and government ID. 

For those who question why we don’t just go to the Inn lodge instead on Sundays, that lodge will be packed with the Snowhawks and other youth groups on Sundays. 

Just as on Saturdays, when you are finished for the day you can head to the Bullwheel to après in your gear, or head to the bus to get changed, and if you want head back to the Bullwheel.  Again, we ask that you allow enough time to get back and be on the bus 10 minutes prior to departure time.  Departure time is not when you need to get to the bus it is when we need to leave. 

Mondays to Blue Mountain Inn

On Mondays, we will be heading to the Inn as usual.  Members will be allowed to get changed in the Lodge.  However, you will need to go downstairs to get changed and prepare.  As well, you will also need to use the lockers available. Any bags lefts upstairs will be removed. 

Since you will not be required to get prepared on the bus, we will be running full buses on Mondays. 

Midweek trips to the private clubs

Midweek trips will run pretty much as they have in the past.  We will be able to change in the lodge and we will have designated rooms in most of the resorts.   

Just a couple of things regarding the buses:

  • Members must wear a mask while on the bus.
  • Members must remain seated during the bus trip, except to go to the washroom. With the exception of the Bus Captain who will move around to check members in.
  • Members will keep socializing to a minimum, and restricted to those seated beside them
  • When using the washrooms members must wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before and after using the washroom.
  • Members will limit food and drink intake to necessities – quick drinks of water and quick consumption of snacks while the bus is travelling.
  • There will be no passing of food around the bus.

To read the full COVID Protocol document please click here.

As always, members will receive a trip status email a few days before the trip.

PLEASE read these emails carefully as they will include bus pick up times and locations, lesson start times and locations and other relevant information. These may change week over week, so members need to review every email they receive. 

We want to reinforce that our resort partners are under extreme stress and pressure due to new (and changing) regulations, as well as severe staff shortages. We ask that you remain patient with line-ups, staff, or any hiccups that occur along the way.  We also ask that you remember that all of these processes are also new to our Bus Captains, who are fellow members, and who have volunteered their time to make sure that you are able to get to the hill and enjoy your day.  Please be kind.  

Erika Clark

Director of Downhill Daytrips

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