President’s Message – Just a few more weeks left!

Dear Friends,

It is hard to believe but we only have a few more weeks left of our season – and that is only if the weather holds out. 

Your friends and family may complain that winter is “so long”, but you and I know that it is actually very short in Ontario. What they really mean is that it is a long time between being able to wear shorts and t-shirts – while to us winter is not really winter unless there is snow on the ground. 

While this “winter” has not been exactly generous with snow, we have all done what we can to get out and enjoy our sports as best as we can. We still hope that we can squeeze out another 4 weeks of trips – and we will, so long as the resorts stay open and there are still enough members signing up for trips. Skiing in March can be some of the most enjoyable days with sunshine and longer days. Please remember that no snow on the ground in Toronto does NOT mean that there is no snow on the hills in Collingwood and Barrie. 

During the past weekend, I was very happy to be able be on the extended day trip to Mount St. Louis for our last race day of the season. I was going to enter the race but was advised it was a bit icy so just watched. During our après, I was very pleased to be informed by one of our new instructors how much he is enjoying teaching with HPSC this season and how appreciative our members are. 

Hope to see many of you during the rest of the season. 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club