President’s Message

As September turns to October, the HPSC pre-season is starting to heat up.
SkiFit has been running for a few weeks now (with registration filling up early each week), the AGM was held on September 23rd to review last year and vote on a few changes to the By-laws, charter and long trip sign up is open or will be in the next few week, a special shopping event with Skiis and Bikes has been arranged (and for those uncomfortable about coming in person or those out of town a special discount code will be available for online shopping) for Wednesday October 28. People in general are starting to prepare for the cooler weather.
I personally want to thank all of you who have show your faith in the club by already renewing your 2020/21 membership. Our members are the reason we on the board are doing all the work to make sure we are ready to run a season under whatever guidelines we face.
This coming winter it is anticipated people will need and want to find ways to get outside, and snow sports will be a prime activity. Much like many who got back on bicycles this summer after long layoffs, we anticipate a lot of former skiers will once again turn to our sports for winter fun. One of the best ways to find new HPSC members is by your word of mouth, so if you have family, friends, or colleagues who are former skiers or boarders, tell them about the club, show them the website, or have them to email for more information.
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club