Celebration of 70th Anniversary of our club continues. Many overnight trips are completed or upcoming very soon. Every weekend we have buses taking hundreds of our happy members up North. Are we having a good time? Tickets are on sale on February 25th for the Après-Season “Snow Ball” Dinner + Drink + Dance to celebrate in style the end of this amazing season with friends. The number of tickets is limited to 150 although there are tickets for the Apres party: Drink + Dance. The earlier you sign for the event with your friends, the better seats you get. Let’s all celebrate and have a good time.
Register here for Dinner + Drink + Dance: https://hpsc.ca/event-3692710
Register here for Drink + Dance: https://hpsc.ca/event-3527921
Our club has reinvented itself multiple times. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi. We’ve implemented many changes and have welcomed a lot of new members in the last two years. We’ll be looking for a new volunteer to become The President of High Park Ski Club to lead our club higher during the next two years. My new stellar job has found me and I am moving on to the next chapter of my life to focus on the greater good. If you are interested to become The President of HPSC, to learn about the role & responsibilities in the next two month before the election night on April 30 2020, contact me: president@hpsc.ca
Our club blossoms! Cheers for the blossom of snow and the spring to come!
Stella, HPSC Volunteer President