HPSC holds regular lessons every trip, but we also offer the following special programs through the season. There is no additional cost for these programs. You can find the dates in our schedule. You can email xcskischool@hpsc.ca if you have questions about any of these programs.

Classic Beginners Series: Held on three consecutive weekends with the same instructor, this popular program will get you moving on the trails and making friends in no time. If you are interested, please email xcskischool@hpsc.ca to register. Ideal for Classic 1 and Classic 2 skiers.
Skate Better Series: Held on three weekends with the same instructors, this series is designed for those who can get some forward momentum and glide on their skate skis. If you are interested, please email xcskischool@hpsc.ca to register. Ideal for Skate 2 and Skate 3 skiers.
Skate Great Series: Held on two weekends with the same instructor, this series is designed for those who already move well but want to become stronger and more efficient. This program introduces you to more advanced techniques. If you are interested, please email xcskischool@hpsc.ca to register. Ideal for Skate 4 and Skate 5 skiers.

Tips & Tricks: Offered four times (2 classic, 2 skate), these 15-minute one-on-one lessons offer the chance to work with an instructor on a particular skill. Great for those who want to learn, but don’t want to commit to a full regular lesson. Register on the trip registration module. Available to skiers of all levels but ideal for Level 3 to Level 5 skiers.
NEW CLINICS! Faster, smarter skate & Faster, smarter classic: If you have good foundational skills and decent fitness, learn how to navigate terrain more efficiently. Register on the trip registration module. Ideal for Classic 3+/Skate 3+ skiers.