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On Thursday November 7th we held the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Awards night. Approximately 150 club volunteers were invited and about 90 were able to attend the event. In this age of endless virtual meetings, it is always great to actually get to meet up with fellow volunteers in person. We gave out 14 Volunteer Awards in five categories: Rookie Volunteer of the Year: “Awarded to a first-year volunteer for a high level of contribution to a portfolio during the current season.” Matt Dimond Bronze Volunteer of the Year: “Awarded to a volunteer for a high level of contribution to a portfolio during the current season.” Melain Chung Rubina Khan Kristina Nou Michele Williamson Silver Volunteer of the Year: “Awarded to a volunteer for a high level of contribution to a portfolio during the current season.” Theo Kempe Don Lefresne Chantal Lebel Beth Scannell Michaela Sandhu Tom Stiemerling Gold Volunteer of the Year: “Awarded to a volunteer for outstanding and increasing volunteer contribution and leadership in a portfolio or the club over a number of years.” Bill Bates David Manning Lifetime Achievement: “Awarded to a long-time member for outstanding and long-term volunteering and leadership in the club. A member can only receive this award once.” Kevin Thyer |
A time to celebrate our HPSC Volunteers!
Volunteers are the backbone of our club. Without the volunteer work done by your fellow members the club could not function.
For this reason, once a year, the club treats our volunteers to a special invitation only event to say thank you and to announce the winners of the Volunteer of the Year Awards!
On October 12, we gathered at the Hot House Café to socialize, eat and celebrate. A total of 11 awards were announced.
Lifetime Achievement Award: “Awarded to a long-time member for outstanding and long-term volunteering and leadership in the club. A member can only receive this award once.”
Awarded to Monica Sauer
Volunteer of the Year – Gold Award: “Awarded to a volunteer for outstanding and increasing volunteer contribution and leadership in a portfolio or the club over a number of years.”
Awarded to Peg McPhedran
Volunteer of the Year – Silver Award: “Awarded to a volunteer for outstanding contribution to the club during the current season.”
Awarded to:
- Ed Bezeau
- David Flowers
- Kerry Kupecz
Volunteer of the Year – Bronze Award: “Awarded to a volunteer for a high level of contribution to a portfolio during the current season.”
Awarded to:
- Jeff Misumi
- Mike Romano
Volunteer of the Year – Rookie Award: “Awarded to a first-year volunteer for a high level of contribution to a portfolio during the current season.”
Awarded to:
- Andrea Palmy
- Jason Tsang
Volunteer of the Year – Special Project: “Awarded to a member for any special project that is beneficial to the club or members.”
Awarded to Janice Matheson
Volunteer of the Year – Special Team Award: A special award to recognize the outstanding work done by the financial refunds team as a whole during a challenging season due to issues with our payment system and a high number of cancelled trips.
This award recognizes the following members:
- Hilary Childs
- Lisa Philpott
- Richard Kinread
- Steve Jonjev
Congratulations to all the winners!
Calling All Prospective Trip Leaders for the2023-2024 Snow Season!
The Long Trips Committee is looking for members interested in being considered for leadership positions on the long trips scheduled from January to April 2024.
Over the past 7 decades, HPSC has refined the trip running process and experienced Trip Leaders (TLs) will train and mentor new TLs. TLs receive partial compensation for their trip after all of their post-trip responsibilities are completed.
Successful TLs are members who have been on at least a few HPSC long trips and have an interest in leading a long trip. They are basically proficient in MS Word and Excel, have good attention to detail, are organized and communicate well. The TL is the face of HPSC and as an ambassador, performs a key function that helps define and maintain the HPSC brand.
Interested members should indicate their interest in an email sent to longtrips@hpsc.ca with a copy to ephraim.fernandez@gmail.com
The Long Trips Committee thanks all those members who consider leading a long trip and particularly all those members who apply this year.

Upcoming Election Night – April 26, 2023
HPSC Election night is part of our annual calendar and is mandated by our By-laws (so as long as there are open roles on the executive) to occur prior to the end of April. This year election night is April 26 live at the National Yacht Club and virtual via Zoom. Please register here.
This year there are four open positions up for election on the board of which three are open to the general membership. The fourth is Director of Downhill Skiing and Snowboarding (Snow School) which is elected among the Snow School.
The following three members in good standing have stepped forward to run for the following board positions:
Director of Administration: Wendy Rangel
I learned to ski with HPSC back in 2012; the dynamic, friendliness and support of all team members back then made my experience unique. I am back at the club because of the great experience that I had, and I really want to ski more! HPSC is an excellent place to do that with all the downhill and trip options plus I really think it is a great place to meet new people and to enjoy social activities, all year around.
Because of the fond memories that I have of the club, I would like to run for Director of Administration. I have been an Executive Assistant for over 15 years, and have plenty of experience with different administrative tasks plus a genuine interest in supporting the rest of the board members to keep the club as one of the best in the city.
If I am elected for this important role, I look forward to getting to know you all and to working together, fun times ahead for sure!
Director of Finance: Francis Rementilla
HPSC receives the credit for all my lessons as a downhill skier. I was a member of HPSC from 1993 to 1999. I joined HPSC because I wanted to learn how to ski, but I stayed because of the friendships that I made. I rejoined the club in 2022 as a XC skier.
I have experienced helping HPSC as a Day Trip bus captain, social committee volunteer, and a “sign up” call center volunteer (that committee no longer exists nowadays thanks to the web).
I enjoyed being a volunteer with the Finance committee for a few years and became the Finance Director in 1997. I would like to help our club again in that role by guiding our organization’s budget and expenses in these unique times.
Director of IT: Peter Kovalchuk
I joined HPSC in 2021 and have enjoyed every trip with the club.
I’m an accomplished IT professional with a passion for outdoors activities – camping, biking and skiing (both cross country and alpine). I learned cross country skiing at the age of 7 and switched to alpine at 28. Still learning 🙂
I have extensive IT experience both in software development and system administration/architecture.
I like to juggle multiple hats. During the weekdays I’m Senior GIS Systems Architect. On weekends I’m IT Administrator for the small private manufacturing company. In my spare time I teach Internet GIS at Chang School of Continuous education (Toronto Metropolitan University). It is very difficult to find IT problem I haven’t seen before!
We require a quorum of 75 members in good standing including up to 15 proxy votes in order to official hold the election. If you are unable to attend in person or virtual, please send in a proxy vote. The proxy form is found on the club website under About Us/Club Document/2023 Election, and there is a link on the registration page.
Call for more new member ambassadors!
We hope you all had a great season with HPSC! There’s so much work that goes into organizing our trips, all done by our amazing volunteers. One of our most important roles is our New Member Ambassadors. They welcome all our new members and answer all their questions so they are prepared and comfortable going out for their first trips. We could always use more, particularly snowboarders and those who have experience with both cross-country and downhill. If interested, please contact Linda Lavalee at hpsc.lindal@gmail.com.
President’s Message – Spring is here
As it does every year, spring has arrived. And with it a slight sadness since it also means the end of our active ski season. The conditions in March were some of the best of the season after a slow start. I want to congratulate our Director of Downhill Daytrips, Amy Lam, and our Director of Cross-Country and Snowshoeing, Heather Steel, for running successful seasons.
Seeing all of the pictures from our recent club trips to Pragelato Club Med in Italy, Jasper, Tremblant, and for the first time the new Charlevoix Club Med in Quebec, I admit to being a bit jealous. Thank you to Kim Wiebe, our Director of Long Trips and her Long Trips Committee for planning and executing such a fantastic collection of trips. Looking forward to seeing what is being planned for next season!
The end of our season also signals the club Election night when new Directors are elected. Election night this year is April 26 and we will again be conducting a hybrid meeting, in person at the National Yacht Club and online via Zoom. The bios of those running for the open spots will be published in the next SnoBiz. The official notice will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.
I want to acknowledge and congratulate some outstanding recent achievements by members of our Snow School. David Manning, our current Director of Snow School, achieved a long-time goal of obtaining his Level 3 Instructor certification. Laura Shepherd, successfully achieved her Level 3 Teaching certification. And Kerry Kupecz received her Level 2 certification. Congratulations to all of you! And to all of our members of the Snow School and cross-country instructors for doing such a great job teaching our members.
And finally, it was also a pleasure meeting and talking with so many members at our St. Patrick’s Day event at the Quail and Firkin. Thank you for coming out and supporting the club social events. In my view it is one of the things that binds together the various parts of our club! I want to thank our Social Director, Jennifer Beatty for organizing such a successful event.
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club
Be in the Room Where it Happens!
To paraphrase the hit musical Hamilton – you want to be in the room where it happens!
High Park Ski Club is a volunteer run organization managed by the elected Board of Directors. It is the Board that decides club policies and ensures that the club runs smoothly. For younger members, being on the executive is a great item to be able to include on your professional resume.
This coming April there are three executive positions that will be open to the general membership for election for a two-year term:
- · Director of Administration
- · Director of Finance
- · Director of IT
To qualify you need to be a member in good standing for at least the current membership year.
In addition to managing the specific portfolio, directors are required to participate in the monthly executive meeting (mostly conducted via Zoom), submit a monthly report, as well as an annual report for the AGM.
As a director, you are eligible for one Front of the Line trip access (for you and a travel partner) for one charter or overnight trip per season. As well, Directors receive a cash honorarium as approved by the membership at the AGM. Election night is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26 at the National Yacht Club.
For more information on the roles, please contact me at President@hpsc.ca
Be in the room where it happens!
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club
Honouring Our HPSC Volunteers!
Without our volunteers HPSC could not function!
On September 29th we were very happy to host our volunteers at the reinstated Volunteer Dinner at The Hot House Café. The purpose of the event is to honour our volunteers as well as build excitement for the upcoming season.
As part of the evening I was very please and excited to present our Volunteer of the Year awards to the following members:
Sheila Moshomas – For taking on the role of Monday daytrip co-ordinator
Bronze level
Apolonija Battiston – For work on the Long Trips Committee (LTC) and leading the Snow School Instructor uniform committee
Fran Burgess – For work as the Wednesday Daytrip co-ordinator during a difficult season
Paul Dover – For extensive work for the Cross-country portfolio during a difficult season
Caroline Thompson – For work as the Downhill daytrips Bus Captain co-ordinator
Silver level
Michael Hardke – For work as the Sunday downhill Daytrips co-ordinator and for training Sheila as the new Monday daytrips co-ordinator
Lisa Philpott -For work as the bus company co-ordinator
Lisa Ziegler – For work programming the downhill daytrip events and making on-going changes as procedures were revised
Gold level
Christine Bellerose – For work as liaison between Snow School and the Downhill daytrips team
Linda Lavallee – For work as the long-term head of the HPSC New Member Ambassador program
Monica Sauer – For work within the cross-country team and as the cross-country representative on the Long Trips Committee
Special Projects
Kevin Chabot – For work on finding a new east end parking location for long trips
Ephraim Fernandez – For extensive work creating a Long Trips COVID protocol
Russ Harding – For work researching COVID testing options on long trips to fulfill the Canadian government’s requirement of a PCR test prior to returning to Canada. And for work investigating the co-ordinating our Ikon group sales program.
Jeff Stainsby – For extensive work as part of the cross-country team
Lifetime Achievement
Bishu Basuroy – For his long time contributions to the club in a multiple roles over the years
Catherine Basuroy – For her long time contribution in responding to emails to Downhill daytrips portfolio
Bill Bates – For his long time role as Director of Long Trips.
In addition to a certificate each winner also receives a dollar credit on their HPSC account in appreciation of all of their work.
Congratulations and thank you to all of the winners!
And again thank you to all of our volunteers!
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club
President’s Message – The Dog Days of August
August 17, 2022

Growing up mid-August was always a bit exciting for me. The CNE was about to open, which meant visits to Toronto by my aunts, uncles and cousins; the weather would start to turn a little more comfortable (I really hate hot humid weather); and the last two weeks before Labour Day were always my Dad’s vacation period. Labour Day has always represented a new year for me. As a member of High Park Ski Club, mid-August also means we are starting to gear up for the upcoming season. For example, this week’s edition begins our regular two-week cycle of SnoBiz until the end of next April.
Over the next few week’s, you will be receiving information on renewing your club membership for the upcoming season. The good news is that we are keeping membership fees at the same level as last year – early bird rate until October 31st of $150 (+tax); after November 1st the fee increases to $170 (+tax). New member rate is $150 (+tax) for the entire season.
As you will read below, something new this year, we have a number of our charter trips going on sale next week. As long as you are a valid member for the 2021/22 season (or have renewed your membership early) you can sign up; however, you have up to September 15th to renew your membership to keep your spot. Please read the Long Trip article in SnoBiz carefully.
Regarding our planned COVID protocols for the upcoming season. As mentioned in the last SnoBiz, the club will still require members to wear masks while on buses for all trips. However, moving with current public health guidelines, we will no longer require proof of vaccination to participate in any club activity. The caveat of course is that if public health rules change, HPSC will need to adjust protocols. As well, as noted in the Long Trips article in SnoBiz, members will need to still follow all vaccination requirements and rules for the locations travelling to. For example, vaccination proof is still currently needed for non-US citizens entering the United States. While we are not requiring vaccination proofs this year we still encourage all members to do whatever they can to stay healthy.
On a different topic, If you have ever thought of becoming an HPSC Ski or Snowboard instructor, now is the time. The club is currently recruiting for new instructors. If you are interested, please contact our Director of Snow School, David Manning at downhillsnowschool@hpsc.ca . Due to the planning required for the season, applications need to be received by August 28th.
September also kicks off a number of club activities – SkiFit will begin as usual on the first Saturday after Labour Day (September 10th). As in the past couple of years registration will open each week on the Tuesday prior to that week’s session. This year we will also be able to revive our weekly brunch after SkiFit at The Grenadier Café.
We are planning a Social event in early September (details to come in the next SnoBiz).
And finally, please mark September 20th on your calendars for the club’s Annual General Meeting. The AGM will be held in person at the National Yacht Club with an online Zoom option as we did for the Election night last April. The official announcement will be sent in the next couple of weeks.
I am really looking forward to chatting with as many members over the next coming months as we prepare for what we all hope will be a fantastic year on the snow!
Justin Graham, President
High Park Ski Club
HPSC Election Results – Announcing the new Board of Directors
On Wednesday April 27th we held a very successful hybrid election event, with members both in person at the National Yacht Club and on a live Zoom meeting.
All nomination forms were received as required by 7 pm EDT, while quorum was achieved by 7:15 pm (including those in the room, via Zoom, and a number of proxies received). At that time, Election Chair Chris Bell called the meeting to order.
All positions on the Board were up for election. All positions had just one candidate who were in turn voted in, as per our Bylaws, by a show of hands (those online use the raised hand icon). Incumbent directors could choose to run for a 1 or 2-year term.
A strong board is essential in the smooth running of the club, especially during the challenging times we find ourselves in. While we hope that next season will be closer to normal as we have learned there is no guarantee.
Thank you to the following members who have chosen to continue to serve our membership as Board members and to those who have stepped up and joined the Board for the coming year. Without these dedicated volunteers the club could not function.
President | Justin Graham | 2 years |
Director of Administration | Karen Snow | 1 year |
Director of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding | David Manning | 1 year |
Director of Communications | Suzanne de Grandpre | 2 years |
Director of Cross-country Skiing and Snowshoeing | Heather Steel | 2 years |
Director of Downhill Daytrips | Amy Lam | 2 years |
Director of Finance | Clark Seadon | 1 year |
Director of IT | Alex Radulescu | 1 year |
Director of Long Trips | Kim Wiebe | 2 years |
Director of Marketing | Rocco Romeo | 2 years |
Director of Membership and Volunteers | Jack Ran | 2 years |
Director of Social | Jennifer Beatty | 2 years |
A big thank you to Ruth Schefter who has been Director of Membership and Volunteers for the last four years, and to Erika Clark, Director of Downhill Daytrips for the last two years, for all of their hard work and dedication to the club. Ruth and Erika both decided to step away from the board at the conclusion of their current terms but will be available to their successors to ensure a smooth transition.
A sincere thanks to long time HPSC member, Chris Bell, for being this year’s election Chair, and to our Director of IT, Alex Radulescu, for the fantastic set up allowing us to run a very smooth hybrid event with members both live at the National Yacht Club, as well as on Zoom. We would also like to thank all the members who attended the event, either live, on Zoom, or who sent in a proxy vote. All combined allowed us to reach the required quorum and therefore proceed with the election.