President’s Message – The end of the HPSC year!

Dear Friends,

This time of year is always bittersweet – April 30th represents the end of our official year, but also the beginning of the off season when many of our members join other clubs to stay active. Some cycle, play tennis or pickleball, sail, hike, etc. In many cases their ski club friends are also members of these other clubs so they are able to stay in touch. Other times this means the end of seeing your winter friends until next season. 

While our official year ends on April 30th, it also represents the start of next season. Much of the planning for next season is done over the summer and finalized in the fall. Please keep reading SnoBiz during the summer months when we go down to a once a month schedule, to stay informed about the club. 

An important event at the end of the club year is the Annual Election Night, this year on Tuesday,  April 30th.  As in the past few years, we are running a hybrid meeting where you can attend via Zoom or in person at the National Yacht Club. If you haven’t already done so, please register here. Without quorum, we cannot officially hold the election and therefore cannot conduct any business on behalf of the club such as sign contracts or arrange events. If you plan to attend virtually, you need to register by 11:59 pm on Monday, April 29th. You will be sent the link on Tuesday. 

One area where we have changed over the years is the announcements of charter and long trips for next season. In the past we would announce all of the trips in late August or early September to allow members and potential members the information prior to joining the club. With the advent of the Ikon pass we have been trying to allow our members/potential members to have a good sense of what trips we have arranged to allow them to purchase an Ikon pass at the best price. 

This is the reason we put the special 75th Anniversary trip to Sun Valley on sale last week, prior to the Ikon pass price increase. This is also what I am calling the “President’s Choice” trip since I will be the Trip Leader. The response has been very good over the last week, with the trip selling strongly. 

I am looking forward to seeing many of you next week at the election night, and over the summer.  Next year will be our 75th Anniversary and I am hoping it will be one of the best seasons ever for High Park Ski Club. 

Since this is the last SnoBiz of the year, I want to end my message saying one more time how grateful I am that all of you made the decision to join High Park Ski Club this season and hope that you will rejoin next season when membership renewals go out in September. 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club