Day Trips

The 2023/2024 downhill day trips season came to an end on Saturday, March 23 at MSLM. It was a great way to wrap up the season with a surprise cold week with some snow in Toronto and the ski resorts.

A huge thank you to the volunteer downhill day trips team! On a weekly basis, these are your volunteers who worked hard behind the scenes. We had 53 day trips planned for this season, and this team did all the work to coordinate them, even for the trips that didn’t run.

Saturday Trip Coordinator: Bishu Basuroy
Sunday Trip Coordinator: Michael Hardtke
Monday Trip Coordinator: Sheila Moshonas
Wednesday Trip Coordinator: Fran Burgess
Day Trips email inquiries: Jason Tsang
Bus Captain forms: Heidi Gay

Thank you to all club members who volunteered to be bus captains on all our day trips!

Thank you to Downhill Snow School and all instructors for organizing, teaching lessons and clinics, as well as the MSLM race series!

We had an unseasonably warm winter, but we still got quite a few weeks of trips with full registrations. I’m already looking forward to next season and hoping for a lot more snow and winter!