President’s Message – Happy New Year!

Dear HPSC Friends:

First off, I hope that all of you had a fantastic holiday season and have a successful and enjoyable 2024.   

While the season so far has not been a very snowy one, it is forecasted to change over the next week or so. This is fantastic news for HPSC, since our regular schedule of day trips kick off this weekend, and our charter and long trips in the next couple of weeks.   

Please keep in mind that a couple of degrees difference can have a huge impact on conditions at the Ontario resorts. If it is +2 and raining in Toronto, it could very well be a snow storm at Mount St. Louis or Blue Mountain. So do not make your decisions based on what it is like here in Toronto – check the local resort forecasts!

Speaking of Mount St. Louis (MSLM), please remember that if you register for a MSLM trip, you still need to sign in to the MSLM website and register by the Wednesday prior to your trip – this is how MSLM knows to print off your lift ticket card. Only these cards will be printed and provided to our Bus Captain for distribution. If you do not register, you will need to purchase your own ticket on-site. The specific trip link will be provided in the confirmation email sent to you when register.   

While colder temperatures mean the downhill resorts can make snow, the cross-country resorts are not as lucky – they are far more dependent on natural snow.  We hope that the snow finally arrives so that our cross-country and snowshoe members can get out and enjoy their sports in the near future.  

I am sincerely looking forward to seeing many of you over the next couple of weeks on trips! 


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club