Dear Friends
Things are finally restarting!! After a very long winter, spring, and summer, we have finally reached the point where things for the club are starting up again.
The charter and long trip lists are posted; SkiFit has begun; the first trip signup is next week (for the Serre Chevalier Club Med, France trip); and the Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 30th (official notification will be sent shortly).
As President, it has been fantastic to meet up in person with members of the HPSC community over the last couple of weeks at SkiFit (including a number of new members) and at our various in-person vaccination poof events.
Just a reminder to members who had their membership deferred from last year, you do not have to pay for this season, BUT we still require all to log into their website account and acknowledge the club Code of Conduct, Waiver, and your vaccination status. To do this click on your name in the upper right of the main page after logging in, and then click on EDIT PROFILE. It is on this page that you can read and acknowledge the various documents.
For members under 26 years of age we also require you to read and acknowledge the Concussion Code of Conduct, as required by the provincial government (Rowan’s Law). Although not required for other members, I would highly recommend reviewing it anyway just to understand concussions and what you should do if you suspect having a concussion.
Once you have updated your profile, and for all new and returning members, we then require you to send in your vaccination proof to vac@hpsc.ca (or stop by one of the in-person events – please see below for locations).
While some things are returning to normal there are other things that we still cannot do. We would normally be holding a special volunteer event thanking our fantastic volunteers and handing volunteer awards for the previous season. We would also have scheduled a number of information nights for the fall for new and prospective members to learn more about the club (and current members to reconnect). And I was personally hoping to have a President’s pub crawl this fall. So while things are improving somewhat they are still not back to normal.
As always, I hope that you will read all of the articles in this edition of SnoBiz to find out what is going on with the club!
Justin Graham, President, High Park Ski Club