Second Holiday Valley
For the exceptionally long wait list for Holiday Valley-1, a new trip W9 Holiday Valley-2 , Jan 31-Feb 2, 2020 was added to the schedule. Members who were able to adjust their holiday plan to go the weekend after Holiday Valley-1 were added to Holiday Valley-2. Now this trip is beginning to fill up. For both Holiday Valley trips, you will leave the city after work on Friday and return early Sunday night. On Saturday night after a great day of skiing you will enjoy the pretty town of Ellicottville, NY.
Banff in March
Those looking for a second Banff trip will be disappointed. While the Long Trips Committee spent a good deal of effort setting up a 2nd Banff trip, the response was underwhelming. Thus we decided to cancel very early to give members a chance to arrange for something else such as may have been offered at the Toronto Ski Show. Our trips are based on a minimum number of participants and priced accordingly. The underfunding on a 2nd Banff trip would have been substantial if had failed to meet the minimum so cancelling was deemed the best alternative. We apologize to those who may have been interested.
Open Trips
Always check the homepage for the “On Sale” label which indicates that a seat is open. Sometimes the seat has to be filled by a specific gender in order to match roommates. If you are not that gender, email the trip leader anyway to get added to the waitlist. Cancellations happen from time to time and members on the waitlist are the first to get called. Also periodically check the webpage for the trip you are interested in – there may have been a cancellation. A note will be added when a seat is available.
As of this date:
C6 Silver Star BC – 1 seat
C7 Les Arcs France – 2 seats
W4 Mt Ste Anne on Family Day weekend – 12 seats
W7 Lake Placid – 24 seats
W9 Holiday Valley-2 – 24 seats
Ski Pole Flags
On every long trip, you will be given a flag for your ski pole. This flag is very bright and identifies you as a HPSC member. The idea behind it is to help you meet and ski with other HPSC members. If you have ever been at a big resort and lost your ski buddy on the mountain, you’ll immediately recognize the benefit of both of you having a ski pole flag. On an overnight trip if your class has skied off in the distance, you’ll be able to find them again. These flags are visible from a mile away. And they’ll help you locate your skis in the racks outside the lunch chalet.

Bill Bates, Director