What a night! …….
We had a very successful and fun evening on April 27th for the End of Season Party and Volunteer “Snow Globe” Awards Night. Thanks to the 150 members, volunteers and friends who attended and thanks to everyone for a great season on the snow.
This year, our volunteer’s efforts were recognized by receiving a 50% discount to the event. In addition awards were given to the most active volunteers (continue reading below for details on award winners). The rest of the crowd enjoyed door prizes and once the DJ started playing the dance floor filled up quickly. We also started a new tradition….the High Park Ski Club “shot-ski” was a big hit! Thank you to all who came out for a fun night! Stay tuned for our next event – AGM on Friday the 20th of September!
Volunteer Awards
Congratulations and a very special thank you to the Snow Globe Awards volunteer winners.
Lifetime Achievement Snow Globe Award

Peter Simmerle won the Lifetime Achievement award for many years of creating the Snobiz newsletters and keeping us informed, entertained and inspired. For being a ski and snowboarding instructor, for being politically correct most of the time and incorrect randomly. Thank you Peter!
Gold Awards
Peg McPhedran Monica Sauer Lisa Philpott Michaela Sandhu Catherine Basuroy
Peg McPhedran won a Gold award for many years of leading the overnight charter trips program, the Mindfulness Downhill Snow School ski program in the past, conducting training for charter trip leaders and leading fun trips, for being tough and fair . Thank you Peg!
Monica Sauer won a Gold award for the multiple roles she has taken on over the years. She served as Director of Cross-Country for many years, as well as being one of our wonderful weekend coordinators who get our trips off the ground every weekend. She also has successfully led many long trips. Thank you Monica!
Lisa Philpott won a Gold award for being a valued member of the finance volunteer team for years. She processes all of the cross-country cancellations, as well as being an expert on the back-end registration system. If you have a question, ask Lisa! Thank you Lisa!
Michaela Sandhu won a Gold award for managing our relationship with Pacific Western as bus transportation coordinator, for sending buses across Canada full of happy High Parkers, for doing this job thoroughly and flawlessly with diplomacy and style, for volunteering as a downhill day trips bus captain and a new Downhill Snow School ski instructor – all of this while raising a little girl and working full time. Thank you Michaela!
Catherine Basuroy won a Gold award for her dedication to the downhill day trips portfolio, diligently handling communications with members, answering questions, being a bus captain on day trips, and an experienced advisor for the downhill day trips director. Thank you Catherine!
Silver Awards
Beth Scannell Paul Moser Justin Graham
Beth Scannell won a Silver award. The membership team would not operate without Beths’ IT skills. She was always available and everything is cheerfully completed on a moments notice. Thank you Beth!
Paul Moser won a Silver award for leading our auditing and financial reporting activities for years. Working behind the scenes, he makes sure that we stay on track financially and his sharp attention to detail ensures accurate accounting of all our trips. Thank you Paul!
Justin Graham won a Silver award for his work coordinating and training bus captains, taking on the role of bus captain many times throughout the season, writing SnoBiz articles, and marketing and supporting the downhill day trips portfolio. Thank you Justin!
Bronze Awards
Jennifer McLennan Eileen McNally Yiu-Yin Chang
Jennifer McLennan won a Bronze award for her contributions to the club. Jen jumped in to cover a 4 month absence of the Ambassador Coordinator under Membership, when her plate was already full with a myriad of other volunteer responsibilities with the club. Here efficiency, comprehensiveness and speed of work was staggering. Thank you Jen!
Eileen McNally won a Bronze award for being a secretary and an advisor to he Board on the minutes, documentation & procedures, for helping our Board to conduct the meetings using proper parliamentary procedure. Thank you Eileen!
Yiu-Yin Chang won a Bronze award has brought her youthful energy, enthusiasm and passion for the outdoors and cross-country skiing to our club. She gives 100% to everything she does and jumped in immediately to volunteer, acting as a bus captain and trip leader. She also became an instructor in 2018. Thank you Yiu-Yin!
Rookie Award

Yvonne Harrop won a Rookie award for her ongoing contribution to the club. Yvonne’s involvement this year has been unmatched, with an energy for bus captaining every Monday trip, stepping up when we needed a bus captain, organizing the Holiday Valley trip, and ongoing support of downhill day trips.
CSIA Instructor of the Year Award

The Snow School Executive selected Greg Smith as CSIA Instructor of the Year for his exemplary teaching, and his dedication to the development of High Park instructors. Greg coordinated the instructors afternoon training sessions based on CSIA technical references, in consultation with our Technical Director, our Assistant-Director of training and our Level 3 trainers. Thank you Greg!