Last Call for the Ikon Pass!

Our Ikon Pass Group Sale is scheduled to wind up September 1. The club has organized trips to numerous Ikon Pass destinations such as Jackson Hole, Banff, Killington, and three trips to Tremblant. And of course, many day trips to Blue Mountain.  

Our Group Sale not only gets you a better price, it also gets you a chance to win an Ikon Base Pass (or equivalent refund)!  

The Ikon Pass provides access to 50 destinations, so if you wish to venture out on your own in addition to the club trips, there are many options. Plus, there are numerous discounts on food, beverages, and retail shops (10% for the Ikon Base Pass, and 15% with the Ikon Pass).  

Adventure Assurance comes free this year with every 22/23 Ikon Pass. Designed to alleviate uncertainty while providing flexibility for Ikon Pass holders, Adventure Assurance gives pass holders credits in the case of COVID-related closures and the option to defer the purchase price of an unused pass by December 8, no questions asked.  

Have you already purchased a Blue Mountain Pass? The 5×7 Pass is quite popular with our members. If you purchased this pass and are now realizing that the Ikon Pass would have worked better for you, I have good news. If you buy an Ikon Pass or Ikon Base Pass, you can get a refund for your 5×7 Pass! The Ikon Pass gives you unlimited access to Blue Mountain 7 days a week, with no blackouts.  

If you have already purchased an Ikon Base Pass, you can still upgrade to the full Ikon Pass. Simply login to your Ikon Pass account, View Account, and look for the upgrade link near the top of the page. It is presently $400 to upgrade to the Ikon Pass, and $250 to upgrade to the Ikon Base Plus Pass ($CDN).

Contact Russ Harding at for further details if you are interested or have questions.

Special note regarding Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole is one of the greatest ski destinations in the western USA with one of the very best authentic western towns.  There are many excellent dining experiences with local gourmet choices like elk, bison, local trout and of course beef.  If you are a fan of the Yellowstone series, you will enjoy the fabulous scenery and proximity to the Elk Refuge and possible day trips to Yellowstone Park. 

Our HPSC trip is in peak season, January 21-28, 2023 and the price without lifts is only $1,705.  You’ll need to add lifts if you do not have an Ikon Base Plus pass.  The cost of the 5-day lift pass from the tour operator is $1,125 (a sixth day for an additional $230). 

If you have not yet purchased an Ikon Pass and are interested, please contact Russ Harding ( to purchase an HPSC group Ikon Pass.  The sale price for the Ikon Base Pass is $1,039 pass and then you will need to upgrade to the Ikon Base Plus for an additional $250.  Note that the HPSC group sale is scheduled to end as of September 1, so sign up now!  

If you have already purchased the Ikon Base pass and are interested in upgrading to the Ikon Base Plus pass for the Jackson Hole trip, the cost is an additional $250 or if you would like to upgrade to the Ikon Pass, the additional cost is $400.   All passes also provide full access to Blue Mountain and Tremblant.

Reservations are required to guarantee access to the resort. This applies to all Ikon Pass holders as well as advanced ticket purchasers. Reservations are scheduled to open as of August 1. The LTC tracks major holidays, and there are none during our week in Jackson Hole. So, we do not expect any issue with trying to the desired dates for reservations, though we recommend making your reservations as soon as you can.

Announcing the New HPSC Ikon Group Pass Program!

And the chance to win back the cost of your pass!

High Park Ski Club is pleased to announce that our members can now purchase their Ikon pass through a group sales program.

All HPSC members who purchase a pass through the program, including those renewing their current pass, will have a chance to win a rebate of the cost of Ikon Base Pass*. Eligibility for the rebate program is not retroactive for passes already purchased or renewed.

For those purchasing a new Ikon pass there is a $50 discount off the list price. (Renewals are at the posted renewal rate.)

If you are interested in the program or would like more information, please contact long time HPSC member Russ Harding who is organizing the program for us, at

Russ will add you to the list of HPSC members purchasing a pass which is shared with Ikon for verification. If you are purchasing a new pass, you will receive a unique discount code for you to use when ordering your pass directly on the Ikon website.

For those renewing a pass, to qualify for the rebate program draw, you must register with Russ prior to renewing your pass directly on the Ikon website.

The group sales program is only available until August 31, 2022. However, list price rates for new passes and for renewal will increase at different times throughout the spring and summer, so for the past price, purchase/renew as early as possible.

Again, if you are interested in a new Ikon pass or plan to renew your pass, please contact Russ Harding at

*NOTE: The rebate offer is available only if at least 20 members purchase a pass through the HPSC Ikon Group sales program (including renewals). The number of rebate winners depends on the number of passes that are purchased. For example, for every 20 passes purchased through the program, we receive one rebated pass. The draw for rebate winner(s) will be held in November.

QR Codes

Having trouble with your phone freezing while skiing and not being able to show your QR code? Get a pocket or wallet sized copy of your QR code printed and laminated at your local printing shop! Even though COVID restrictions are being slowly lifted, be aware that many of the ski hills we visit on day trips and long trips may still require you to show your QR code to enter any indoor dining establishment or other resort facilities, depending on the resort.

Welcome New Instructors to the Downhill Snow School!

Check out who they are and what their favourite things to do are. Keep your eyes out as we introduce you over the next several weeks. Today we welcome Jonathan Siegel

Jonathan is a Level 2 ski instructor and taught children skiing at Mt. St. Louis for 4 years. He has benefitted so very much from the camaraderie and connection with other High Park skiers over the past 12 + years and is grateful for all the lessons he has been able to take over the years with instructors at High Park Ski Club. Skiers are souls with bodies who have experienced a glimpse of heaven on earth.

Most Memorable Ski Memory

There is no one “most” memorable ski memory as there are just so many wonderful memories and wild and wonderful experiences off and on the hill.  There is a saying in Toastmasters which is equally applicable to skiing:  “If you get out of skiing what you came to get of out skiing, you will never get out of skiing”! This picture is over 10 years old, but a reminder to always go back to Banff, Lake Louise, and run # 22!

From strength-to-strength! – Jonathan Siegel

Good News – We will start running buses as of February 12!

It has been a long wait, but we are happy to announce that starting February 12th we are finally able to offer members the opportunity to again take the bus to the resorts!  Thank you so much for your patience during the last two years.  

After the new public health restrictions were announced, the HPSC board met and came up with a plan to provide bus trips.

Based on the rules for indoor organized public gatherings, until February 21, we are able to run buses with a maximum of 25 members. After February 21, provided the reopening plan doesn’t change, capacity can increase. 

We need time to get the trips organized, so we will launch our first trips on February 12. For the first two weeks, downhill will run five trips (February 12, 14, 16, 19, and 20); and cross-country two trips (February 12 and 20). After February 21, we will return to our normal schedules and capacity will increase. Please note that after February 21 for weekend downhill buses, capacity will be capped at 35 to allow room for getting ready on the bus.

Many of our operational procedures have changed, including registration deadlines. You can find downhill registration information here and cross-country registration information here and on the XC FAQ page. Please pay close attention to the registration modules. They will contain all the information you need about the particular trip. 

Participation in all club activities is restricted to members who have provided their vaccination proof to the club.  If you have not done so yet, please email it to

Hope to see many of you on the slopes/trails in the coming weeks!

Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club

Welcoming New Instructors to the team!  David Healey 

Check out who they are and what their favourite things to do are. Keep your eyes out as we introduce you over the next several weeks. Today we welcome David Healey…

I became an instructor because I love refining my technique, sharing my skiing discoveries, and bringing that delight to others.  I love the club because of the atmosphere.  It’s so good skiing with an unpretentious group, and I really appreciated the punctuality and experience in running group trips.

My most memorable ski memory was the first time moving up from beginner boots to advanced boots and feeling the tightness of control – it felt like it was the payoff of all the early lessons and practice.   Also the relief when taking them off after the first session.

Paul Marner…50th Anniversary of Organizing Ski Trips

From the latest edition of Ski Canada magazine…

“Around the same time readers first started turning pages of Ski Canada 50 years ago, Paul Marner, then a 14-year-old grade 10 student from the burbs of Toronto, was busy cooking up with his French teacher the first of countless group ski trips to Quebec. The young entrepreneur and definitive “freeskier” quickly learned how he could ski on someone else’s dime. (All it required was hours of organization and sales talk.) By grade 13 he had 500 students in buses heading to Quebec City during Christmas and March Breaks. Half a century later, Marner’s still at it with Merit Travel.

Most of the “lifers” in the ski-biz have worked directly with resorts or ski gear and clothing manufacturers, while Marner was the guy who got bums onto buses, planes and, indirectly, to ski shops. More than 250,000 by Marner’s count—and only one ski trip with a murder, but that’s a story for Ski Canada’s and Marner’s 100th anniversaries.

Before Breakaway Tours was founded in the early ’80s though, Marner worked for Majestic Travel and set up his own ski shop, Ski Connection, in the agency’s basement. “We leased skis and did tune-ups; as well, I used to buy close-outs of clothing and skis,” says Marner.

After Majestic and Breakaway Tours, Marner headed up Gotta Travel, which morphed into Ultimate Ski & Golf Vacations. (Remember Ultimate’s red carpet “Excite Flight” direct charter to Tremblant from the free parking at Toronto’s exclusive Executive Terminal?) Cross-promoting with Elan, Labatt, Bacardi, Columbia, Avalanche and radio stations like Q107, it was tough to curb his enthusiasm for our sport. He still has a copy of the formal response from the White House following his gracious invitation to U.S. President Ronald Reagan to take a ski break while discussing acid rain and the DEW line with Brian Mulroney during Quebec City’s Shamrock Summit.

Marner has since settled down with Merit Travel Ski Vacations, offering more than 100 resorts from the best of B.C., Alberta, Quebec, U.S. East and West and the Alps. And like many who have worked in the ski industry a long time, he’s at home leading a group of skiers.. As Ski Canada celebrates its 50th anniversary, they hope for a much better winter than the last. Certainly there’s more anticipation than ever for making travel plans and the memories that will follow. “

President’s Message – The Snow is Falling…

The snow is starting to fall more regularly and some of the local hills have already opened. It was fantastic to see posts from members who got out early to Mount St. Louis and Horseshoe Valley this past weekend. 

While this year will still be a somewhat different experience, it will still be fantastic to get back to skiing regularly this coming season. Let me assure you that your HPSC team has been working continuously with the resorts to work out the details and procedures we will need to follow as the resorts work out the rules. Keep following the announcements in SnoBiz and the HPSC Facebook group to stay up to date. 

And just a reminder that registration for all trips will be restricted to only those who have provided their vaccination proof to the club. If you haven’t done so yet, please send a copy to . Only the Director of Membership has access to this email address, and all documents are delated after verification – the club is not keeping copies of any documents. I want to thank the 72% of current members who have provided their proof for verification. 

I am sincerely looking forward seeing as many of you as possible on the hill and trails this coming season!

Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club

It’s Time to Reconnect and Get Social Again

Do you follow the club on social media? If you are not a member of the private HPSC Facebook group please request to be one. And please follow us on Instagram and Twitter as well! Remember to stay connected via our different communication channels and contribute as much as you can in order to help reinvigorate HPSC when this pandemic finally ends.

Recently on the Facebook group a member conducted a short poll to find out how many different languages our members speak. So far, we are up to 20! Check out the alphabetical list and let us know if we are missing any language that you personally are fluent in.





















We’ve also asked our members to translate the club’s key messages into their language – so that we can promote our club and attract more winter lovers to join us.

If we have missed your language, please help us out by translating the following phrases: Learn to love winter! We ski everywhere! Please share your translations on Facebook. 

Remember that our club is fully managed by volunteers.  By volunteering, individual members make a difference. Volunteer contributions have and will positively impact the lives of thousands past, current and future club members. Together we aim to inspire and enable our members to enjoy winter snow sports in a fun, friendly and supportive community. And by travelling as a group and being run by volunteers we are able to control the cost of our trips.

Please remember to invite your friends and members of your various social communities to learn how to love and appreciate winter as much as you do – in many different languages and ways. People may join for their chosen winter activity, but they stay for the friendships and community they develop! 

Stella Rossovskaia