President’s Message – What a Season So Far!!

As I sit here in my room on the Sun Valley trip, by a beautiful and cozy gas fireplace, I am feeling extremely grateful. For the first time since I became President in April 2020 I finally feel that the club has returned to our normal state of operations. After a number of years of COVID restrictions and last season’s subpar weather, this year everything has finally come together. 

Our downhill day trips are regularly full, with two bus trips on Saturdays and now recently Mondays, breakeven to full buses on Sundays to Blue Mountain, and a strong return for our Wednesday trips to the private clubs. Pre-COVID, we were always concerned about the Sunday buses, and last season we had to cancel most of the Wednesday trips due to low registrations. Regarding the latter trips, it really does appear that last season’s general weather conditions were the biggest contributor to the drop-off in registrations. 

Our cross-country contingent is thriving this season with very quick trip sellouts and regular two bus trips where possible. Nothing could be more different from last year!

Our social calendar is also filling up. The Information Night held on January 16th was a great success with many new members and potential members attending. Thank you to our new Social Director, Mary Tountas, and her volunteers for such a positive event. Upcoming is a skating night at Nathan Phillips Square and post-skate social on Friday, February 14th. We request registration so we know how many to expect at the pub.  As well, we will be releasing details regarding our special 75th Anniversary Gala soon, but wanted provide you the Save the Date information. The Gala will be held at a very classic event space in downtown Toronto on Friday, May 9th

You will have received an email early this week regarding a new liability insurance requirement for the club.  As I mentioned in the e-blast sent on Monday, the club cannot operate without our liability insurance – we cannot offer lessons or run any trips. We will be sending you a link with the approved Liability Waiver for your e-signature shortly.  You will automatically be sent a copy for your records, while a copy will be sent to the club for our records.    Please sign the waiver as soon as you receive the link.

My last note is not club policy but just my personal observation based on years of trips but especially our trip to Mount St. Louis on Saturday, January 18th.  As the temperature dropped during the day, the ground went from soft snow to become very slippery, especially with the long down slope walk to the buses. A number of members slipped on this icy path to the buses, including a member carrying his skis that caused a gash on his forehead requiring stiches when he got back to Toronto. An instructor from NTSC also slipped and suffered a very serious injury. (We sent a message to Mount St. Louis regarding this dangerous situation.) Getting to my point, please remember that there is danger not just on the hill. One thing you can do is to purchase some ice cleats you put on the bottom of your shoes for a safer walk back to the bus at the end of the day. As well, you might want to consider carrying your skis in your ski bag up to the lodge instead of tossing your bag in the storage bin under the bus. It makes transporting your skis much easier and safer especially for the long walk back to the bus at the end of the day.

It has been great to see and speak with many of you on the day trips and at the Information Night so far this season!


Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club