President’s Message – A fantastic beginning to the season!!

It is fantastic that when we actually experience a normal winter, HPSC members turn out for trips!!  

Over the last week, we had more than 500 members on day trips, including 150 for our annual Double Double lesson day last Saturday at Mount St. Louis Moonstone. On Sunday there was a sold out bus for what I like to call the Sunday@Blue Crew. Not too long ago, we were very concerned about the small numbers that were going to Blue on Sundays. However, over the last couple of years that has not been an issue. Monday’s Blue trips are consistently sold out, so don’t delay registering. Remember to join the waitlist if a trip is full – we will add a second bus if there is enough demand based on the waitlist.  

After last year’s issue with having to cancel Wednesday trips it is fantastic to see that this week’s trip to Alpine (my personal favourite of the private clubs) is full, and next week to Osler has a good number currently registered.  

But the best news is that after a terrible season last year, our cross-country skiers and snowshoers have had a fabulous start to their season. Every Saturday trip so far this season has consisted of two buses. And the trips are selling out fast so again if you are interested, please register asap when the trips open.  

In addition to the great news regarding day trips, our charter trips are off and running. Currently we have members on a trip to Japan, and in the next three weeks we have trips to France, Italy, and Sun Valley, Idaho.

We are not forgetting the club’s social side either. On Thursday we are hosting an Information and New Member night at the Black Sheep in Liberty Village. We have topped out our number of registrations (who receive a free drink ticket) at 125, but everyone is still welcome to drop by.  

Justin Graham

President, High Park Ski Club