As we enter November the excitement regarding the new season is building!
For some members, skiing is just weeks away; for others of us it is still a bit further. But in either case, we are all looking forward to a far more normal season. The weather forecasts appear to indicate a better season for winter sports than we experienced last year.
The downhill day trip schedule is now posted on the website and was emailed out last week. HPSC is the most active ski club in the country with more than 170 days of skiing scheduled including 61 downhill day trips, 24 cross-country/snowshoeing day trips, 11 charter trips and 7 overnight bus trips.
The Toronto Ski & Snow Show was a great success, with what appeared to be both more exhibitors and more attendees. The new location back on the CNE grounds was a popular change. Thank you to all who stopped by to say hello. It was great speaking with many of you at the show. Since the show there has been a significant increase in new members signing up for the club.
Speaking of membership, overall, our current level is similar to last year at the same time. The end of the Early Bird rate last week resulted in a surge of renewals, which are now at a higher level than last year.
Our participation at the show also provided the opportunity to have a one-page editorial in the show guide to promote the club and our 75th Anniversary season (3,500 print editions + 20,000 digital). The write-up will also appear in the upcoming holiday edition of Horizon Travel & Lifestyle magazine that will be distributed to 50,000 print (via the Toronto Star) and 100,000+ digital. (See below for the write-up.) Thank you to Rocco for co-ordinating our participation at the show and all of the design work.
While advertising is helpful to attracting members, word of mouth is always the best way to attract new members. As a reminder, when referring members to the club, if they include your name as the person who told them about the club, we will send you a bus voucher.
On a final note, we are planning more social events for the season, but require help. If you are interested in being on our club social committee, please send me a note.
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club