Spots Available on Lake Placid Trip!

Trip sign up night on Sept 26 was a great success!  Almost all members were able to sign up for a spot on the trip of their choice. HPSC is the premier destination ski club with more spots to the ski areas that you want to go to.
One of the ski destinations that you may not know about is Lake Placid, New York. We will stay in the newly renovated Grand Adirondack Lodge on the main street of the lovely town of Lake Placid. Downhill skiers will ski at Whiteface Mountain located in the beautiful Adirondack mountain range. It has a vertical of 3,430 feet, making it the highest in the eastern USA. Cross-country skiers will ski the Olympic XC trails at Mount Van Hoevenberg which has recently built a new spacious lodge. Transportation to both sites will be provided by our HPSC luxury coach. Downhillers can also take the town shuttle if they wish to get up later or return earlier. This is a 4 night trip with 4 full buffet breakfasts.  Add on three days of downhill or cross-country skiing in peak snow season, February 23-27, 2025 and you have the makings of a great HPSC vacation trip!  Please see the details on the website and note that this trip is available for sign up now.

Finally, a reminder that our overnight bus trips to Mont Tremblant and the Eastern Townships will go on sale on Thursday, October 24 at 8pm sharp! Details on the website.