As the calendar flips to September, High Park Ski Club gears up for our fall activities and ultimately the ski season.
First of all, if you have not already done so, I would encourage you to take advantage of our Early Bird renewal rate of $155 (plus tax). If you are planning on registering for any of the trips that open up on September 26th (at 8pm sharp) you will need to be a current member. As a reminder for those who have already registered for a charter trip, you will need to renew your membership ASAP.
The second item I would like to mention is that we are having our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday September 24th. According to our By-laws and required under the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporation Act (ONCA), we must hold an annual meeting. This must be held by the end of September each year. Without achieving our required quorum, we cannot officially hold the meeting. Please register online for either the in-person option (at the National Yacht Club) or the Zoom virtual option. Click here to register. If you can’t attend either way, please fill out a proxy form here
Tomorrow night (Thursday September 12) we are hosting our kick-off pub night at The Swan in the Bloor/Runnymede area. There is no cost, but we would like you to register online so we have a sense of how many people will be attending.
Just a couple of other upcoming social events, the Toronto Oktoberfest on Friday September 27 (check out the information on our Social Schedule), Historic walk of the East End on Sunday October 6 (check out the information on our Social Schedule), and our attendance at the Toronto Marlies game on Sunday October 20 (register and pay online on our Social Schedule). We are continuing to organize additional social events for the fall and during the season, and a 75th Anniversary Gala.
Lastly, it was fantastic to see so many members at the first SkiFit and Brunch of the season in High Park last Saturday morning. Despite the threat of rain, it turned out to be another sunny Saturday morning. Registration opens each Tuesday for the following Saturday. This is a great way to get in shape for the season and to meet fellow members.
I look forward to seeing and talking to many of you at our upcoming events.
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club