Dear friends,
Hope you are all having a fantastic summer so far!
In less than 40 days your membership renewals will be sent out – it seems just like yesterday that we were celebrating the end of last season.
However, since then we have opened up most of next season’s charter trips for registration (the remaining charters will open in September) and have been running our successful Ikon pass group sales program (which closes around the end of August), which has resulted in at least 6 pass refunds which we will draw for at the AGM in September (date is TBD). As well, we are working on plans for our special 75th anniversary season.
One thing that I can confirm right now is that we will once again have a booth at this year’s Toronto Ski & Snowboard Show. I am happy to report that the show has returned to the far more accessible Exhibition grounds. It will be in the Better Living Building, October 25 to 27. Plan to attend.
We are currently working on a survey that will go out to all members in the next couple of weeks – please take a few minutes to participate. The results will guide development of plans for next season
SnoBiz is our primary communications vehicle regarding club activities. I encourage you to read all of the articles in each edition to learn about what is going on in the club and important upcoming events.
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club