Dear HPSC Friends,
While others complain when we return to Standard Time, I look forward to it. I actually get a bit excited because it means that our season is another step closer! In fact, some of our trip destinations have already opened for the season.
I want to thank all of the volunteers who helped to staff our booth at the Toronto Ski + Snowboard Show – it was a great success. We were able to talk with a wide variety of current and potential members, and with suppliers (and other clubs.)
At the show we were handing out this year’s day trip schedule postcard – which will be uploaded to the website shortly. Just some of the highlights on the downhill side: the first planned trips, conditions permitting of course, are Saturday, December 9 to Mount St Louis, and Sunday, December 10 to Blue Mountain. The first Monday trip is January 8. For midweek skiers, the first Wednesday trip is January 10 to Blue, followed by Alpine the following week. In late February, in place of Wednesday, we will be doing a couple of Thursday trips to Georgian Peaks and Beaver Valley (because these resorts will not be regularly be open on Wednesdays). On the cross-country side, the first scheduled trip is the traditional New Year’s celebration to Scenic Caves on Saturday, December 30.
If you have not been out to SkiFit yet this year, there are just two more Saturdays left. I want to personally thank Karen Evans and John McHutchion for their ongoing leadership in helping members get ready of the season. Karen is now out west at Silver Star, leaving John to lead the next two weeks on his own. One thing that I have been very happy about is the return of our post-exercise brunch in The Grenadier Café. It has been great to catch up with members and share stories and photos of recent travels and discussions regarding the upcoming season.
Due to the high response rate to the upcoming Information night on November 17, we have moved it to a location where we can accommodate more people. The new location is the Duke of York (39 Prince Arthur Street, just off of Bedford Rd. just north of the St. George Subway station). Just as a reminder, for those attending the event we will have some of our fantastic logo wear long sleeve shirts to try on and of course purchase! Hope to see many of you at the event.
On a personal note, as many of you know I am a huge fan of the most successful Toronto pro sports team – the Toronto Argonauts. The Argos have won more championships than all of the other Toronto teams combined! This weekend is the Eastern Final versus Montreal, and hopefully they will be playing in the Grey Cup game in Hamilton on November 19. So I conclude this week’s message with the time honoured cheer – AAARRRGGOOOSSSS!
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club