This year represents the club’s 74th in operation We were founded in 1950 by a group of enthusiastic skiers who gathered at the High Park YMCA – which is where our name comes from. We are still a club of enthusiastic skiers (downhill and cross-country), snowboarders and snowshoers! To learn more about our past, read the Short History of the Club on the website. It is found in Club Documents under the About Us tab. I personally love the Wolfman Jack story!
This past weekend kicked off our 2023/24 season with a very well attended pub night at The Swan in Bloor West. It was great to catch up with old friends, as well as to speak with a number of new and potential members.
Saturday was the first SkiFit session of the year – thank you to all who came out. It was fantastic to see the usual suspects as well as new members. SkiFit is open to everyone, including non-members – so if you know someone who is thinking of joining, this is a great way for them to get to know other members. Or if you are a current member and want to meet fellow HPSCers, please come out. A big thank you to Karen Evans and John McHutchion for once again agreeing to lead the program this season. Registration opens each week on Tuesday for the following Saturday.
The 2023 AGM will be conducted next Tuesday, September 19. We are again holding a hybrid meeting so you can attend in person at the National Yacht Club or via Zoom. The official notice went out in late August and registration is open. It is important that we achieve our quorum to ensure we are able to officially conduct the business of the club. Thank you for all those who have already registered, however, we currently do not have enough members registered to meet quorum and not everyone who registers ends up able to attend. If you cannot attend in person or virtually, please fill out the proxy form and send it to me prior to September 19 (see below).
As a reminder, at the AGM, we will also be holding the draw for the Ikon Pass rebate amongst those who purchased a pass through our group plan. Based on the sales in the program we will be able to draw four winners!
HPSC is a club with a fantastic history and what I feel is an outstanding future. I sincerely believe our club is on the track for one of the best years we have had in recent memory!
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club