September 29, 2021
I can’t believe we are almost at the end of September already!! It seems like just yesterday that I was looking forward to our first SkiFit of the year. And now we are coming up to our fourth session this coming Saturday! (FYI Registration opens each Tuesday.)
The most important item on the upcoming HPSC schedule is the Annual General Meeting on Thursday September 30th. I had sincerely hoped that by the time this year’s AGM rolled around we would be able to return to an in-person event. However, we will once again be restricted to a Zoom call.
If you haven’t already registered for the AGM please do so (https://hpsc.ca/event-4489401). We are restricted to just 100 participants, so if the event is full, please put your name on the waitlist. If you have registered but cannot attend, please cancel yourself out by clicking on the registration button and then on “more details” where there is a cancel button. This will allow other members to join the meeting. If you cannot attend but would like to send a proxy, the form is available on the website (https://hpsc.ca/club-documents).
The zoom link will be sent to all registrants on Thursday September 30th. And the club Annual Report will be posted to the website on Thursday as well.
As of last Wednesday September 22nd, all Ontarians are being asked to provide proof of vaccination at almost all non-essential businesses and organizations. As I have written before, we are not set up to just “show us at the door”. I would personally like to thank the approximately 40% of members who have already emailed their document (vac@hpsc.ca) or shown up at an in-person location (or caught me at a TBC bike ride 😊.) To confirm, only the membership team is accessing the emails and we are not saving your documents. Once it is reviewed and confirmed, the email and document is deleted.
Justin Graham