President’s Message

At this time of year, we usually turn to our family and friends and give thanks for what we have and who we have in our lives. I personally want to thank all of you for making the community of High Park Ski Club members and friends one that I truly value and am very proud to be a member of. As I have said before, you may have joined HPSC to ski or board or snowshoe, but what keeps people coming back year after year are the friends that you make.
I also want to thank all of you who have shown your faith in the club and have already renewed your membership in this very different year.
While we are clearly in the expected second wave of the pandemic, the thing to remember is that the situation we face right now is not likely what we will be facing in two or three months time when the season kicks off. Or in four or five months when many of our charter and long trips occur. Remember you don’t decide on what you are going to wear in January based on today’s weather.
We are a resilient community who will find a way to thrive this coming season through being willing to adapt and change as the situation requires. In many ways we need to approach this season like you would a double diamond run, especially here in Ontario . . . you may have a plan on what you want to do, but in almost all cases you need to adapt to the changing snow conditions, the patch of ice you didn’t expect, or the build up of heavy snow at the bottom.
Stay healthy and safe!
Justin Graham
President, High Park Ski Club