First, I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy in this unprecedented time. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person at some point in the future. When that time will be is still up in the air, but your new board of directors is forging ahead putting together preliminary plans for next season.
I am personally honoured to have been elected as your next President of High Park Ski Club and look forward to working with all of the newly elected and returning Directors in order serve you, our fantastic members, over the next two years.
None of us has a crystal ball to see what the conditions we will be operating under in six months or even in two months, but we must move forward with planning for next season. However, with the understanding that we may need to adjust to the rules and regulations we are faced with. As we have, we will continue to follow the advice of public health officials and government to ensure that our members remain safe.
As a club, we will face numerous challenges over the next year to get back to what we have come to expect is normal or what we will come to see as the new normal. But it is through the community of fantastic members, volunteers, and board members that I believe we can achieve this.
Over the next couple of months, we will be soliciting members to better understand your feelings, plans, concerns, and suggestions for next season. Your responses will help to guide plans for the coming year.
I hope we will all be able to come together again, sooner rather than later, in person to celebrate our club and catch up with all of our HPSC friends and raise a pint or a glass or two!
Justin Graham
HPSC President