Take advantage of your membership’s FREE lessons for ALL ability levels. Our High Park instructors are well-trained, friendly, cool, and passionate about helping you become better on snow! Check out some of the reasons why lessons are a great option…

So in September and October, you joined High Park Ski Club for the first or twentieth year, and maybe you signed up for a long trip on a big mountain. You may also have attended a few Ski Fit or Cross Training sessions to get ready. Now, in November, you can’t wait for snow and for the first bus trips to Blue Mountain and Mount St-Louis… bring them on!
But oops… you haven’t skied in maybe 8 months or what… many years??? Better start progressively and take a FREE lesson, or two…. and here are just a few reasons why…
- Skiing alone is boooring!
- You do not have to make any decisions (right or left??)
- An instructor can assess your step level if you are not sure
- You will ski or snowboard with people of similar ability in
appropriate runs - You can listen, watch, try, and get personal feedback!!
- You can try racing with your class even if it scares you a bit
- You will improve and build confidence to try different terrain
- You will definitively make friends and ski buddies!!
- You will have fun, feel safe and be challenged
Kick off the season and give yourself a real taste of those fun and free lessons, join us on our first day trip of the season on Saturday December 7. Be sure to check off the lessons button when you register for the bus and for drive ups! Come and join the fun… sign up now!!